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New water plan to alleviate drought and protect fish in California unveiled by Biden and Newsom

California Gov. Gavin Newsom and the Biden-Harris Administration reached a long-awaited agreement on the updated rules for the State Water Project (SWP) and the Central Valley Project (CVP), which transfer water from Northern California to other parts of the state, supplying water to millions of Californians.

“The completion of new operating rules for the Central Valley Project is the cornerstone of our efforts to address record drought and changing climate conditions in California,” said Reclamation Commissioner Camille Calimlim Touton. “The plan helps build the state’s resilience to drought, both for water users and the environment. It also dovetails with the significant ecosystem investments and infrastructure projects that Reclamation has funded, including new water storage, capacity improvements, groundwater banking, and the development of a drought plan for the south-of-Delta.”

A new framework has been debated since the Trump Administration updated the rules in 2019.


I wish California would stop claiming that we have drought conditions. Anyone knows that drought comes from lack of rainfall. California has not lacked rain for as long as I can remember.
It's normal to have periods of less rainfall than other seasons. There may be some seasons dryer than others.
But California certainly has not been in a drought.
If our reservoirs are low maybe they ought to stop dumping billions of gallons of drinkable water into the ocean to save the fish.
God sees us as worth much more than the fish.

The link below shows data of California rainfall and in no way have we lacked rain. In Fact recent years have seen so much rain we have had a lot of flooding and that contradicts claims of drought.

Why Does California Let Billions Of Gallons Of Fresh Water Flow Straight Into The Ocean?
