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New U.S. Army policy spells trouble for Christians

A policy revision adopted recently by the U.S. Army could spell trouble for soldiers who believe in and follow the Holy Bible.
In June, the Army issued two new directives regarding the handling and reporting of "protest, extremist and criminal gang activities" by soldiers. Army directive 2024-07 on handling extremist activity, as well as the service's directive 2024-08 on reporting extremist activity, can both be found on the website of the Army Inspector General.

WorldNetDaily interviewed Dr. Charles "Chase" Spears, recently retired after a 20-year Army public affairs career specializing in ethical military communication strategy.
"Since day one of his tenure as secretary of Defense," Spears told WND, "Lloyd Austin claimed that there is a major issue with [Christian] extremism in the military." Spears added, "This is the same military that made [Austin] a four-star general."

