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New preseason hurricane forecast is highest ever issued. Brace yourself, Florida

How bad could the upcoming hurricane season be? Maybe one of the busiest ever, at least judging by a new key preseason forecast.

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration on Thursday released its forecast for the 2024 season, which starts June 1, calling for a more active than normal season — thanks in large part to the off-the-charts high temperatures in the Atlantic Ocean.

NOAA is predicting that 17 to 25 named storms could form this year, with eight to 13 powering up into hurricanes and four to seven of those reaching major hurricane status, Category 3 or higher. That’s above the average: 14 named storms, 7 hurricanes and 3 major hurricanes. In fact, they’re the highest ever forecast by the federal agency. In 2020, NOAA had predicted the highest number of storms of all time. That season wound up with 30 named storms, 14 of them growing into hurricanes.

This season — at least potentially — sets up to top that.
“That’s the highest forecast that we’ve had,” said Ken Graham, director of the National Weather Service. “It’s reason to be concerned, of course, but not alarmed.”
TPTB want so badly to prove their theory of climate change and cabal warming as truth. Therefore they play into these scare tactics as proof their theory is real.

I laugh when God proves them wrong. They are too full of themselves to realize these tragic weather events usually follow the US making some decisions that adversely affect Israel.

Hurricanes 0biden and Kamala have been the worst the US have seen in years.
I do miss the excitement in the air when a hurricane is nearby. I probably went through at least a few dozen in NC, and over all my years in Okinawa, probably at least 30 typhoons.
They are exciting to watch. Unless you are watching a tree come down on your house 😆 One thing I love about them is the wonderful cool air they bring in afterwards. Lasts for several days.
I do miss the excitement in the air when a hurricane is nearby. I probably went through at least a few dozen in NC, and over all my years in Okinawa, probably at least 30 typhoons.
I don’t miss any excitement. One doesn’t realize how much potential flying debris one has accumulated in the yard until there’s a Cat 4 hurricane heading towards them. Then everyday stuff like kayaks, canoes, Jon boats, firewood, trash cans, ladders, lawn carts, etc… all have to be secured.

Oh they say it’s going to be a direct hit, then windows and doors get boarded up. All of this excitement, then Thankfully the storm turns out to sea and all you get is 30 mph winds and rain.

Every bit of damage that has hit my home has been from the hurricanes that were supposed to miss us.

There is no excitement in going through this every year, especially as we get older. My dad lives 8 miles from the beach. He’s had to evacuate dozens of times. Now that my stepmom is in the nursing home and his health is failing he’s unable to evacuate.

But it’s all part of living in this tropical paradise.
I don’t miss any excitement. One doesn’t realize how much potential flying debris one has accumulated in the yard until there’s a Cat 4 hurricane heading towards them. Then everyday stuff like kayaks, canoes, Jon boats, firewood, trash cans, ladders, lawn carts, etc… all have to be secured.

Oh they say it’s going to be a direct hit, then windows and doors get boarded up. All of this excitement, then Thankfully the storm turns out to sea and all you get is 30 mph winds and rain.

Every bit of damage that has hit my home has been from the hurricanes that were supposed to miss us.

There is no excitement in going through this every year, especially as we get older. My dad lives 8 miles from the beach. He’s had to evacuate dozens of times. Now that my stepmom is in the nursing home and his health is failing he’s unable to evacuate.

But it’s all part of living in this tropical paradise.
You guys that live in tornado alleys and the other places that cop it on a yearly basis , i tip my hat off to you all, you have to be a different level of resilient and mentally tough ( mainly faith ) to remain living in those places and just endure the awesome power of it all.

I know me personally i'd be packin darkies if i lived in any of those places