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New Law Would Make COVID Vaccine Makers Liable for Injuries, Deaths

Children’s Health Defense is among the organizations that support a bill introduced Tuesday by Rep. Chip Roy (R-Texas) that would remove the liability shield for manufacturers of COVID-19 vaccines and open the door for vaccine-injured Americans to sue companies like Pfizer and Moderna.

Rep. Chip Roy (R-Texas) on Tuesday introduced a bill that would allow Americans to sue the manufacturers of COVID-19 vaccines for vaccine-related adverse events, including deaths by removing the vaccine makers’ liability shield.

The Let Injured Americans Be Legally Empowered Act, or the LIABLE Act, would “allow Americans who took vaccines that were misleadingly promoted and forced onto many Americans via federal mandates to pursue civil litigation for their injuries,” according to a summary of the bill publicized by Fox News.

“These vaccines were given emergency use authorization unilaterally and did not go through the normal FDA [U.S. Food and Drug Administration] approval process,” the summary stated.


I see the Federal govmint as the more responsible party with regards to the damage caused by the COVID vaccine.

Reminds me of the last banking crisis. The govmint compelled banks to give home loans to minority peoples who ordinarily wouldn't have qualified for the loan. When things collapsed the govmint blamed the banks and punished them.
The govmint compelled banks to give home loans to minority peoples who ordinarily wouldn't have qualified for the loan.

Over 30 years ago I started working at a local bank's mortgage company, and I had to reject a loan due to borrower's not qualifying and having poor credit. Well the regulators had just issued them a warning to start making "CRA" loans (Community Reinvestment Act) so our corporate office sent the file back to me, approving the loan AND giving the borrowers a better interest rate. :ohno: