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Netherlands to Create ‘Strictest Migration System Ever’ as Populist Geert Wilders Forms Government

Tall Timbers

Imperfect but forgiven
Staff member
The Netherlands will finally get the right wing government its people voted for, and some of the toughest border control in the Western World after veteran populist and Islam sceptic Geert Wilders got the agreement of coalition partners to form a cabinet.

Geert Wilders, who has lived under strict round-the-clock police protection since 2004 over threats to his life by Islamists hailed the success of months-long negotiations between four right wing parties in the Netherlands to form a new government. “The sun will shine again in the Netherlands… The Netherlands will be ours again” he said in celebration of the development. The documents were presented to the Dutch King on Thursday afternoon.

Wilders, a former Breitbart News guest columnist, led his party to become the largest in the Netherlands in an unprecedented shift at the national elections last November in a result that sent the establishment centre and left into a tailspin of despair, but fell short of enough seats to govern alone. He immediately entered negotiations with three other parties of the right but diverging views on the political facts of life saw talks break down several times, and concerns that attempts to form a government — and keep the left wing out — could fail.

Color me cynical, but here goes:

Methinks Mark Rutte and whatever hands behinds the scenes "allowed" this coalition to form, in order to clear the road for Rutte to leave the Dutch politics for his coveted chair at NATO.

But after their inauguration, I really don't think the new minted government will last for more than about 6 months, before it will collapse, and new elections will be held. The people will then be disappointed in Wilders and those other three parties, and vote for the establishment once more. So the same old, same old will return.

In the meantime the Senate can and will block most (if not all) of the ambitious new laws Wilders et all propose, because they don't hold a majority there.

This is my sad evaluation of the situation. The unseen cabal is deep entrenched in Dutch society and politics.
Even so, I know God is in control, so let's wait and see what happens.

Color me cynical, but here goes:

Methinks Mark Rutte and whatever hands behinds the scenes "allowed" this coalition to form, in order to clear the road for Rutte to leave the Dutch politics for his coveted chair at NATO.

But after their inauguration, I really don't think the new minted government will last for more than about 6 months, before it will collapse, and new elections will be held. The people will then be disappointed in Wilders and those other three parties, and vote for the establishment once more. So the same old, same old will return.

In the meantime the Senate can and will block most (if not all) of the ambitious new laws Wilders et all propose, because they don't hold a majority there.

This is my sad evaluation of the situation. The unseen cabal is deep entrenched in Dutch society and politics.
Even so, I know God is in control, so let's wait and see what happens.

Even if Canada votes Trudeau out, we are in the same situation. Hugs across the pond Erika and I think as usual, you're right.