The Israeli prime minister's visit will be the first by a foreign leader during President Donald Trump’s second term.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is set to become the first foreign leader to meet with President Donald Trump during his second term with a trip to the White House next week.
A White House official confirmed to NBC News that Trump had extended an invitation to Netanyahu and that he accepted. Netanyahu's office said they agreed to meet Feb. 4.
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Does this surprise anyone? lol After what he did for Israel in 1st term....and for the middle east in general?
I am reminded how America is likely not a part of eschatology. But what we seem to keep on getting is Israel/America like tied at the hip. It might matter. Maing America Great Again might have more to do with Israel than eschatological charts have time to catch up the rate Trump is Blessings.

Netanyahu to meet with Trump at the White House next week
The Israeli prime minister's visit will be the first by a foreign leader during President Donald Trump’s second term.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is set to become the first foreign leader to meet with President Donald Trump during his second term with a trip to the White House next week.
A White House official confirmed to NBC News that Trump had extended an invitation to Netanyahu and that he accepted. Netanyahu's office said they agreed to meet Feb. 4.
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Does this surprise anyone? lol After what he did for Israel in 1st term....and for the middle east in general?
I am reminded how America is likely not a part of eschatology. But what we seem to keep on getting is Israel/America like tied at the hip. It might matter. Maing America Great Again might have more to do with Israel than eschatological charts have time to catch up the rate Trump is Blessings.