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Netanyahu teaches Canadian PM Justin Trudeau a lesson after he attacks Israel for its assault on Hamas


Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu rebuked Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on Tuesday for condemning Israel's assault on Hamas.

At a press conference, Trudeau demanded Israel "stop" its military operations against Hamas in Gaza, suggesting the Israel Defense Forces are guilty of collective punishment against Palestinians.

"The human tragedy that is unfolding in Gaza is heart-wrenching, especially the suffering we see in and around Al-Shifa Hospital," Trudea said.

"I have been clear that the price of justice cannot be the continued suffering of all Palestinian civilians. Even wars have rules. All innocent life is equal in worth, Israeli and Palestinian. I urge the government of Israel to exercise maximum restraint," he continued. "The world is watching on TV, on social media; we're hearing the testimonies of doctors, family members, survivors, kids who’ve lost their parents. The world is witnessing this— the killing of women, children, of babies. This has to stop."


Lord forgive me but this makes me very angry.
Why don't we hear "demands" from World leaders or the UN about the atrocities Hamas has done to innocent civilians from Israel. The raping of women, the beheading of babies and other babies burned alive in ovens.

This is an abomination that our Righteous God has taken note of and Jesus is coming to avenge the real victims of this conflict that some forget Hamas started.
Lord we seek your righteous justice and pray for Israel 🙏

Vengeance is mine, and recompense, for the time when their foot shall slip; for the day of their calamity is at hand, and their doom comes swiftly.’
Deuteronomy 32:35
Justin Trudeau wouldn't know human rights if they jumped up and bit him on the seat meat. Look what he's done to his own country folk.
It's expected that Trudeau would be a genuine communist since he's a product of Klaus Schwab's school for young global leaders.
Yes, he's a graduate of this school that trained him and many others to be communist globalists.
Even our Commie Governor Gavin Nusence graduated from there and we can see what he's done to California.