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Netanyahu on Oct. 7 rapes: Was world silent because victims were Jews?

Almost Heaven

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu lashed out at international silence regarding Hamas’s rape and sexual mutilation of the women it killed during its October 7 infiltration into Southern Israel.

“Were you quiet because we were talking about Jewish women?” Netanyahu asked during a Hebrew language press conference.

'Where the hell are you?'​

In English, he asked the international community, “Where the hell are you?”

“I say to the women’s rights organizations, to the human rights organizations. You have heard of the rape of the Israeli women, horrible atrocities, and sexual mutilations” at Hamas’s hands?

“I expect all civilized leaders, governments, nations to speak up against this atrocity,” Netanyahu said.


Global women's organizations have failed Israeli women - opinion​

The International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women on November 25 found women’s organizations worldwide silent and indifferent regarding the organized sexual assaults against women in Israel on October 7.

All year round, these women’s groups from all corners of the globe tell us how important it is to be involved and take a stand in each and every case of gender violence.

But in the face of Hamas’s mass sexual offenses against Israeli women, these women’s groups prefer to remain silent.

The last week in November is, traditionally, a week of global solidarity for everyone committed to combating gender-based violence. It is a week when we, together with our friends around the world, join hands in a common message and light “candles of awareness and consciousness” around the globe.

This year, however, Israel, which typically plays a significant role in this struggle, was let down by our partners. For example, Samantha Pearson, the director of the Center for Sexual Assault at the University of Alberta in Canada signed an open letter casting doubt on the sexual violence experienced by Israeli women during the Hamas attacks.

It's not just that the victims are Jewish. It's that the victims are women

There's been a lot more hue and cry over the men and children than the women. After at least some of them were traded, the moral panic over the hostages faded quickly. Yet it's the women, who are the targets of most of the atrocities and abuse, are still being held hostage, abused, and trafficked :mad:

The UN is complicit in this, as well. The blue helmets have a history of engaging in much of the same mistreatment of women and girls, and aiding and abetting others, who do, to include this situation :mad: So much for the Universal Declaration of Rights :mad:

Saul and David had the right idea, but Lorena Bobbitt did it better . . . 🔪 . . . may the knife be dull and rusty, and the wielder inexperienced, clumsy, and shaky.
Probably going to stir up a hornet's nest . . .

I believe abortion is murder, and should only be permitted if the mother's life is in danger (but not forced/required if the mother would rather give up her life in favor of the baby).

However . . . this situation is one of the things that leads me to the sad conclusion that abortion should be legal in case of rape (and incest and life of the mother). Hopefully the choice is for life, but understandable if not. But, it should be done in a way that the baby doesn't suffer. Current methods assure a very painful death for the baby :mad: Even animals being put to sleep are euthanized in ways intended to avoid causing suffering.

If the mothers (and their husbands) cannot bear to take care of these children, perhaps international adoption, so the children do not suffer stigma, etc. as known children of rape, might be best. This would also help prevent rapists attempting to claim parental rights/custody or otherwise harassing/further abusing their victims and contacting, etc. the children of the rapes.

Israel's laws are very liberal :cry: