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Netanyahu, Macron trade barbs about Israel’s founding amid spat over war in Lebanon

After French leader ‘reminds’ PM that Israel was created by UN decision and therefore global body should be respected, Netanyahu says Jewish state earned its existence via 1948 war

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu exchanged snipes Tuesday with French President Emmanuel amid a public rift over Lebanon, where Israel is battling the Hezbollah terror group.

The barbs began when Macron upped the pressure on Israel to abide by United Nations decisions, telling his cabinet that “Mr. Netanyahu must not forget that his country was created by a decision of the UN.”

The statement referred to the resolution adopted in November 1947 by the United Nations General Assembly on a plan to partition the Holy Land into separate Jewish and Arab states.

Netanyahu hit back at Macron’s comments, saying the country’s founding was achieved by the 1948 War of Independence, not a UN ruling.


God gave the land to His chosen people Israel, forever.

"Also I give to you and your descendants after you the land in which you are a stranger, all the land of Canaan, as an everlasting possession; and I will be their God.”
Genesis 17:8