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Netanyahu Destroys Terrorist Sympathizers in the U.S. in Speech to Congress

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addressed a joint session of Congress on Wednesday afternoon — sans Vice President Kamala Harris and a handful of other anti-Israel lawmakers — to deliver a stirring message declaring "America and Israel must stand together."

Still embroiled in a war started by Iran-backed Hamas terrorists on October 7 with the slaughter and kidnapping of innocents, Netanyahu emphasized that Israel's current fight against those who wish its elimination is "not a clash of civilizations" but "a clash between barbarism and civilization."

"Thousands of young Israelis were celebrating at an outdoor music festival," Netanyahu recounted of October 7. "And suddenly, at 6:29 a.m., as children were still sleeping soundly in their beds in the towns and kibbutzim next to Gaza, suddenly heaven turned into hell."

"Three-thousand Hamas terrorists stormed into Israel and butchered 1,200 people from 41 countries, including 39 Americans," reminded. "Proportionately, compared to our population size, that's like 20 9/11s in one day."


WOW - listening to what I think is close to the end of his speech. It sure sounds like he is talking about what could be the Antichrist’s peace treaty without even knowing it.

“Now, here’s my vision for the broader Middle East. It’s also shaped in part by what we saw in the aftermath of World War II. After that war, America forged a security alliance in Europe to counter the growing Soviet threat. Likewise, America and Israel today can forge a security alliance in the Middle East to counter the growing Iranian theat.

All countries that are in peace with Israel and all those countries who will make peace with Israel should be invited to join this alliance. We saw a glimpse of that potential alliance on April 14th. Led by the United States, more than half a dozen nations worked alongside Israel to help neutralize hundreds of missiles and drones launched by Iran against us.

Thank you, President Biden, for bringing that coalition together.

The new alliance I envision would be a natural extension of the groundbreaking Abraham Accords. Those Accords saw peace forged between Israel and four Arab countries, and they were supported by Republican and Democrats alike.

I have a name for this new alliance. I think we should call it: The Abraham Alliance.”
WOW - listening to what I think is close to the end of his speech. It sure sounds like he is talking about what could be the Antichrist’s peace treaty without even knowing it.

“Now, here’s my vision for the broader Middle East. It’s also shaped in part by what we saw in the aftermath of World War II. After that war, America forged a security alliance in Europe to counter the growing Soviet threat. Likewise, America and Israel today can forge a security alliance in the Middle East to counter the growing Iranian theat.

All countries that are in peace with Israel and all those countries who will make peace with Israel should be invited to join this alliance. We saw a glimpse of that potential alliance on April 14th. Led by the United States, more than half a dozen nations worked alongside Israel to help neutralize hundreds of missiles and drones launched by Iran against us.

Thank you, President Biden, for bringing that coalition together.

The new alliance I envision would be a natural extension of the groundbreaking Abraham Accords. Those Accords saw peace forged between Israel and four Arab countries, and they were supported by Republican and Democrats alike.

I have a name for this new alliance. I think we should call it: The Abraham Alliance.”
Trump and his son-in-law Jared Kushner talked about the Abraham Accords when he was President. Do you think this is leading up to the peace treaty?
WOW - listening to what I think is close to the end of his speech. It sure sounds like he is talking about what could be the Antichrist’s peace treaty without even knowing it.

“Now, here’s my vision for the broader Middle East. It’s also shaped in part by what we saw in the aftermath of World War II. After that war, America forged a security alliance in Europe to counter the growing Soviet threat. Likewise, America and Israel today can forge a security alliance in the Middle East to counter the growing Iranian theat.

All countries that are in peace with Israel and all those countries who will make peace with Israel should be invited to join this alliance. We saw a glimpse of that potential alliance on April 14th. Led by the United States, more than half a dozen nations worked alongside Israel to help neutralize hundreds of missiles and drones launched by Iran against us.

Thank you, President Biden, for bringing that coalition together.

The new alliance I envision would be a natural extension of the groundbreaking Abraham Accords. Those Accords saw peace forged between Israel and four Arab countries, and they were supported by Republican and Democrats alike.

I have a name for this new alliance. I think we should call it: The Abraham Alliance.”
AMAZING how fast things could come together.