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NATO Chief Warns of ‘Bad News’ for Ukraine After Failed Counteroffensive


NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg has warned that Western powers should be prepared for “bad news” from Ukraine in the wake of Kyiv’s failed “counter-offensive” against occupying Russian forces.

Amid growing concerns about Ukraine’s ability to continue the fight against the much larger Russian military and failures to recapture any meaningful amount of territory from Moscow’s army, there are growing whispers in the halls of power in the West about the ex-Soviet state’s prospects in battling back its former master.

The latest to publicly express concern was NATO chief Jens Stoltenberg, who told German broadcaster ARD as translated by POLITICO that the West should “be prepared for bad news,” without elaborating on exactly what he believes may befall the war-torn country next.

The comments from the Norwegian politician came as the Kremlin announced that President Vladimir Putin had ordered the addition of 170,000 extra troops to the Russian Armed Forces, in a move that would take the total strength of the army to over 1.3 million.


If NATO is speaking for The US as well, breaking news for NATO....
The US hasn't had money to give to Ukraine. We keep borrowing from Peter to pay Paul and our debt keeps rising in the Trillions already but the Regime keeps ordering to
"Print more money", that we don't have.

And for Zelinsky to cry foul over support for Israel, he's got no right to say anything about that because we've given him everything but the latrines of our military plus billions of dollars.
I think the threat from Russia might be one of the things that causes Europe to coalesce into a revived Roman Empire which will be the platform for the A/C to come to power. Russia definitely has a part in the End Times, if they are the Gog and Magog who attack Israel, it might be reasonable to infer that they will beat Ukraine. God Bless All :)

Tanks for Nothing: Majority of German Leopard 2 Tanks Not Working in Ukraine​

Only a “very small number” of modern battle tanks provided to Ukraine from Germany are still in use, a member of the governing coalition in the Bundestag has revealed.

Green Party parliamentarian and defence expert Sebastian Schäfer admitted this week that the majority of the 18 Leopard 2 tanks supplied to Ukraine are no longer operational after being deployed into the battlefield last year.

“Unfortunately it has to be stated that that only a very small number of the battle tanks delivered by Ukraine can be used,” he wrote in a letter to defence contractors according to the German paper of record Welt.

The people of Ukraine want to be free of Russia , but the inevitable looks to be on the horizon and coming closer. Russia has to win, prophecy needs to be fulfilled with them involved, and it will be fulfilled, just like the Book says it's going to be so, just a matter of time.
I can't know for sure, but just from reading stuff that's out there: plenty of Ukrainians are pro-Russian. It was the US/West meddling that got a West friendly leader into office instead of the favored Russia-friendly guy. I think that was the beginning of what led to this war in the first place.
This article from 2019 shows how Zelensky won the Presidency with a land-slide.

In April, Volodymyr Zelenskyy was elected president of Ukraine by a relative landslide (73 percent of Ukrainian voters voted for him). He won with a campaign based on three main promises—promises that reflected the hopes and expectations of Ukraine's deeply frustrated voters:
(1) maximum efforts for peace in Donbas,
(2) fighting corruption to deliver good and responsive governance, and
(3) improving the well-being of ordinary Ukrainian people.
In July, Ukrainian voters endorsed this platform again, handing Zelenskyy's Servant of the People party an absolute majority of seats in the Verkhovna Rada, paving the way for the new president to begin delivering on his lofty promises. So, how have the new president and his team met and managed these expectations?

Look how those promises turned out:
War instead of peace
In stead of fighting corruption he became the king pin (with 10% for, you know, the thing big guy)
Improving lives of ordinairy people became abject misery.

Quoted article can be found here:
The Kennan Institute is a Washington Liberal Thinktank. The article is well written but I'd have to question everything in it due to the source of the article itself.
Didn't know the source was suspect, but there are many oulets that have the same opinion.

Here's one from Kyiv

Zelensky was able to secure his victory by promising Ukrainians to stop the war, defeat corruption, and revive the country’s economy. A year after his inauguration, the Kyiv Post has combed through Zelensky’s campaign statements to see how far the president went to create the kind of Ukraine he described in his election platform.

Didn't know the source was suspect, but there are many oulets that have the same opinion.
I'm not an authority on sources, just so you know... it's just my conservative opinion about the source.

When I worked in D.C. I was invited to some of the Thinktank presentations. Because of the way I lean, I of course gave some weight to the presentations of conservative Thinktanks.

Everything could be fair and accurate in the report by the Kennan Institute but I have no trust of anything liberal, deep state, and/or globalist, and since Zelinski was/is a globalist lackey, I could see a liberal Thinktank putting as positive a spin on him as possible. Kind of like US News reports that shower the dementiated diben with praise for his "accomplishments".

My first thought on the margin of votes he won by was: Did all of the country actually get to vote, even the areas that tend to be pro-Russia? Did they use the same voting machines used in the USA?...

The globalists control most of mainstream news sources. They all regurgitate the same message on whatever the topic of the day is. It's similar to the "way out there" conspiracy theory sites that abound. You can find a thousand sites spreading the same lies.
I think the Ukraine is running out of other people's money to borrow Maggie Thatcher's famous line about socialism. "Socialism works until it runs out of other people's money"

That money-is being printed in order to destroy the currencies (which is what the WEF wants, not to mention the BRICS). Both groups are actively working towards collapse of the US Petrodollar

The armaments being given to Ukraine are too expensive to keep sending over there and are needed elsewhere right now.

The Ukraine had it's chance. If they were going to win, they needed to do it within the first year. This isn't a rerun of WW2, where everyone pulled together to defeat Nazi Germany and the Japanese. It's more like a rerun of Vietnam. It's a quagmire as the West and Nato skirt the issue of direct warfare with Russia. It's a proxy war and it's not winning. It's bleeding the West dry.

Russia may be bleeding but they are selling their oil to China. They are not dead yet and they are betting that their alliances with China, Iran and various other players will win. And they are still working to regain control of Ukraine. Their doctrine of war includes the use of tactical nukes- the smaller neutron bombs that don't leave much radiation, and don't destroy too much in the way of infrastructure while completely destroying human bodies. They don't necessarily want to use them, but they have clearly laid out their willingness to do so if they feel threatened by NATO.

I think God has restrained them so far. And Russia may win even without the use of those weapons. The world is growing tired of paying for Ukraine's independence.
I think the Ukraine is running out of other people's money to borrow Maggie Thatcher's famous line about socialism. "Socialism works until it runs out of other people's money"

That money-is being printed in order to destroy the currencies (which is what the WEF wants, not to mention the BRICS). Both groups are actively working towards collapse of the US Petrodollar

The armaments being given to Ukraine are too expensive to keep sending over there and are needed elsewhere right now.

The Ukraine had it's chance. If they were going to win, they needed to do it within the first year. This isn't a rerun of WW2, where everyone pulled together to defeat Nazi Germany and the Japanese. It's more like a rerun of Vietnam. It's a quagmire as the West and Nato skirt the issue of direct warfare with Russia. It's a proxy war and it's not winning. It's bleeding the West dry.

Russia may be bleeding but they are selling their oil to China. They are not dead yet and they are betting that their alliances with China, Iran and various other players will win. And they are still working to regain control of Ukraine. Their doctrine of war includes the use of tactical nukes- the smaller neutron bombs that don't leave much radiation, and don't destroy too much in the way of infrastructure while completely destroying human bodies. They don't necessarily want to use them, but they have clearly laid out their willingness to do so if they feel threatened by NATO.

I think God has restrained them so far. And Russia may win even without the use of those weapons. The world is growing tired of paying for Ukraine's independence.
Yep the world's attention is now on Israel and the houthis, China and Russia have a golden opportunity now to carry on with their plans.

Inflation is going to go even more insane, on a seperate note i'm noticing in my country that the media is trying to push some sort of hatred or resentment towards "baby boomers" and blame them as being causers of inflation here in Australia.

Is this also the case in America and Canada?
I think Russia USSR is extorting the world; no nuking Ukraine, it'll be nuking other countries, who are supporting Ukraine.
And maybe invading countries, whose people live in unwalled villages, to take resources.

If there's no one that can stand up to Putin, it'll work. Unfortunately, as was learned during/before WWII, appeasement never works, and more people suffer and die in the end because of it.

:pray: :pray: :amen: :amen: :thankyou: :thankyou:

10 Thus saith the Lord God; It shall also come to pass, that at the same time shall things come into thy mind, and thou shalt think an evil thought:
11 And thou shalt say, I will go up to the land of unwalled villages; I will go to them that are at rest, that dwell safely, all of them dwelling without walls, and having neither bars nor gates,
12 To take a spoil, and to take a prey; to turn thine hand upon the desolate places that are now inhabited, and upon the people that are gathered out of the nations, which have gotten cattle and goods, that dwell in the midst of the land.
13 Sheba, and Dedan, and the merchants of Tarshish, with all the young lions thereof, shall say unto thee, Art thou come to take a spoil? hast thou gathered thy company to take a prey? to carry away silver and gold, to take away cattle and goods, to take a great spoil?
Ezekiel 38:10-13, KJV
I think the Ukraine is running out of other people's money to borrow Maggie Thatcher's famous line about socialism. "Socialism works until it runs out of other people's money"

That money-is being printed in order to destroy the currencies (which is what the WEF wants, not to mention the BRICS). Both groups are actively working towards collapse of the US Petrodollar

The armaments being given to Ukraine are too expensive to keep sending over there and are needed elsewhere right now.

The Ukraine had it's chance. If they were going to win, they needed to do it within the first year. This isn't a rerun of WW2, where everyone pulled together to defeat Nazi Germany and the Japanese. It's more like a rerun of Vietnam. It's a quagmire as the West and Nato skirt the issue of direct warfare with Russia. It's a proxy war and it's not winning. It's bleeding the West dry.

Russia may be bleeding but they are selling their oil to China. They are not dead yet and they are betting that their alliances with China, Iran and various other players will win. And they are still working to regain control of Ukraine. Their doctrine of war includes the use of tactical nukes- the smaller neutron bombs that don't leave much radiation, and don't destroy too much in the way of infrastructure while completely destroying human bodies. They don't necessarily want to use them, but they have clearly laid out their willingness to do so if they feel threatened by NATO.

I think God has restrained them so far. And Russia may win even without the use of those weapons. The world is growing tired of paying for Ukraine's independence.
Maybe they would have had enough money if they hadn't been funneling it right back to both theirs and our corrupt leaders...
Inflation is going to go even more insane, on a seperate note i'm noticing in my country that the media is trying to push some sort of hatred or resentment towards "baby boomers" and blame them as being causers of inflation here in Australia.

Is this also the case in America and Canada?
There always seems to be little friction between generations but I don't think that's the case in the USA... though I don't get out and around much so I could be missing it.
I don't see it in Minnesota like I saw it in Missouri, especially in St Louis
However, ageism in law enforcement and other government jobs is far, far worse here than Missouri :mad:
Inflation is going to go even more insane, on a seperate note i'm noticing in my country that the media is trying to push some sort of hatred or resentment towards "baby boomers" and blame them as being causers of inflation here in Australia.

Is this also the case in America and Canada?
In the UK there has been the line for a long while about an 'ageing population' and social care, basically saying more migrants are needed to plug gaps. In Scotland the media say the number of migrants needed is 500,000 which is also the number of abortions that have happened since it was legalized. So the agenda seems to be kill people in the womb and encourage mass migration to fill the gaps in population caused. A really warped agenda. God Bless All :)
...on a seperate note i'm noticing in my country that the media is trying to push some sort of hatred or resentment towards "baby boomers" and blame them as being causers of inflation here in Australia.

Is this also the case in America and Canada?
In the UK there has been the line for a long while about an 'ageing population' and social care, basically saying more migrants are needed to plug gaps. In Scotland the media say the number of migrants needed is 500,000 which is also the number of abortions that have happened since it was legalized. So the agenda seems to be kill people in the womb and encourage mass migration to fill the gaps in population caused. A really warped agenda. God Bless All :)
Canada is more like the UK I'd say. it's not so much blame for the young people as the govt keeps moaning about increased demand for it's tax funded services whenever the lineups for care hit the news.

The Canadian wrinkle- Assisted Suicide: At the same time if you are older like my father or my father in law they are pushing assisted suicide - Dad was all for it, and offed himself with their help- while my fil didn't hear of it because George, his sister and me were in the room when the intake nurse was assessing him for hospice care. He had left the room briefly and we shot that idea down.

So father in law was denied hospice care, and died about a month later. His cardiologist was furious because he more than qualified for hospice.

But the gatekeepers of the system are trying like mad to kill off as many users of the medical system as possible under the laws. I notice that they started talking about "helping" depressed teens to kill themselves about the time there was an increasing demand for mental health services that was in the news a fair bit.