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National Prayer Breakfast


If you watched this, any thoughts?

Trump joined a Washington tradition of more than 70 years that brings together a bipartisan group of lawmakers for fellowship. He was also to speak at a separate prayer breakfast at a Washington hotel sponsored by a private group.

"I really believe you can't be happy without religion, without that belief," Trump said. "Let's bring religion back. Let's bring God back into our lives."

Trump tries to express many good ideas but I think he really needs someone of strong faith to help guide him in being able to articulate what saving faith is all about (if Trump even knows). As in his statement above, he doesn't seem to understand it's not about religion but about relationship, specifically a relationship with Jesus.
Faith isn't about happiness though true happiness can only be found in Christ, not religion. He often speaks of religion, God and even mentions Lord sometimes but He needs to know the name Jesus IMHO.

Acts 4:11-12
11This Jesus is ‘the stone you builders rejected, which has become the cornerstone.’ 12 Salvation exists in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved.”

I can't say if he's saved or not but I will continue to pray for him.:pray:
Good idea to keep him and his admin in prayer. While he wasn't elected to be a spiritual leader, I'm reminded that God is sovereign and for His purposes He's permitted Trump in office.

The king’s heart is like a stream of water directed by the Lord;
he guides it wherever he pleases.

Proverbs 21:1

In the meantime it's wise for the church to keep their eyes on Jesus, our Messiah, Priest and King. Our prayers to God may be part of how God directs leader's hearts.

Most thankfully , I'm so glad we have the Restrainer here, restraining evil whether done in full knowledge or inadvertently..... not realizing consequences of decisions.

What I know for sure is we still have time and openings to share the Gospel. What a wonderful grace of God to those still needing to place faith in Jesus! :)

In my own sphere there are those bandying about the title of anti-christ in connection to the recent election (I suppose as a way to explain what seems inexplicable).

I'm not sure about that but it really gives a great jumping point to pivot to what God says in His Word vs human musings. And point to salvation found in Christ.