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Nasty :: By Daymond Duck

Andy C

According to the Bible, God would bring Israel back into being at the end of the age, and that tiny nation will never be destroyed again (Amos 9:15; Ezek. 37:25; Psa. 89:30-37).

God will correct and punish the Jews at the end of the age; He will destroy all the other nations (during the Tribulation Period and at His Second Coming), but He will not destroy Israel or allow other nations to destroy Israel (Jer. 30:11; 46:28).

Though every nation on earth comes against Israel, they will not be able to destroy Israel because God wants everyone on earth to know something about Israel; her God is God, He is faithful, and He keeps His promises.

Most Jews do not know that Jesus is their Messiah. They will rebuild the Temple and resume the animal sacrifices, but God is faithful. He will not break His covenants with the Jewish people, and all of Israel will eventually get saved (Gen. 17:7-8; Rom. 11:26).

Israel will eventually wind up with all the land from the river to the sea and a whole lot more.

Having said this, realize that since Israel became a nation on May 14, 1948, nations have been trying to destroy her, and all have failed.

There have been many efforts to force a peace treaty on Israel and her enemies, but all have failed.

Israel’s enemies do not keep peace treaties; they always break them, and the international community ignores them.

Even now, there is talk of forcing a peace treaty on Israel and her neighbors, but they will fail.

On Mar. 4, 2024, Israel’s ex-defense minister, Benny Gantz (he is also a member of Netanyahu’s war cabinet), visited the U.S. to discuss a ceasefire in the Middle East without the permission of Israeli Prime Min. Netanyahu.

On Mar. 6, 2024, Gantz traveled to the UK to discuss the same thing.

According to the Bible, God would bring Israel back into being at the end of the age, and that tiny nation will never be destroyed again (Amos 9:15; Ezek. 37:25; Psa. 89:30-37).

God will correct and punish the Jews at the end of the age; He will destroy all the other nations (during the Tribulation Period and at His Second Coming), but He will not destroy Israel or allow other nations to destroy Israel (Jer. 30:11; 46:28).

Though every nation on earth comes against Israel, they will not be able to destroy Israel because God wants everyone on earth to know something about Israel; her God is God, He is faithful, and He keeps His promises.

Most Jews do not know that Jesus is their Messiah. They will rebuild the Temple and resume the animal sacrifices, but God is faithful. He will not break His covenants with the Jewish people, and all of Israel will eventually get saved (Gen. 17:7-8; Rom. 11:26).

Israel will eventually wind up with all the land from the river to the sea and a whole lot more.

Having said this, realize that since Israel became a nation on May 14, 1948, nations have been trying to destroy her, and all have failed.

There have been many efforts to force a peace treaty on Israel and her enemies, but all have failed.

Israel’s enemies do not keep peace treaties; they always break them, and the international community ignores them.

Even now, there is talk of forcing a peace treaty on Israel and her neighbors, but they will fail.

On Mar. 4, 2024, Israel’s ex-defense minister, Benny Gantz (he is also a member of Netanyahu’s war cabinet), visited the U.S. to discuss a ceasefire in the Middle East without the permission of Israeli Prime Min. Netanyahu.

On Mar. 6, 2024, Gantz traveled to the UK to discuss the same thing.

Another weekly update done well! Look forward to these?