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Names of God


† He hath shed his own blood for my soul


Have you ever thought about God as a daddy?

Galatians 4:6 says, "And because you are sons, God has sent forth the Spirit of His Son into your hearts, crying out, 'Abba, Father!'"

"Abba" is the Aramaic word meaning "Daddy" or "Father." It's a term of warm affection, intimacy, and respect for one's father. For some of you, that may sound like an irreverent way to address God, but Jesus called God, "Our Father," in Matthew 6:9 and He gave us that same right.

In America, children call their fathers, daddy. But in the Middle East, they say Abba. Jesus says that we can call the great God of the Universe, Abba Father. Daddy Father.



“The Lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer; my God, my strength, in whom I will trust; my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold” (Psalm 18:2).

Both the Old and New Testaments are filled with references to God as a rock; He is permanent, faithful, and protective. He is the firm foundation for your life, your hiding place in trouble, your shelter in the storm. Jesus is also pictured as the spiritual rock that saw the Israelites through their long trek to the Promised Land (See 1 Corinthians 10:1-5.) and as the stone the builders rejected that has become the cornerstone of the Church. (See Matthew 21:42.) Perhaps the most beautiful thought to contemplate as you address Jehovah-Tsuri is that He has made His followers into “living stones.” Scripture says: “you also, as living stones, are being built up a spiritual house, a holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ” (1 Peter 2:5).


Is Hashem one as well ?
That's because to their thinking the name of God is too holy to speak. So they simply refer to Him as The Name
Adrian, have you heard that the Hebrew word for wonderful is used (by folks speaking Hebrew) only for God?

Here it is in Judges 13:18 "But the angel of the LORD said to him, 'Why do you ask my name, for it is wonderful?'"

From Strong's Concordance:
The KJV translates Strong's H6383 in the following manner: secret (1x), wonderful (1x), variant (2x).

Outline of Biblical Usage
  1. wonderful, incomprehensible, extraordinary
Strong’s Definitions

פִּלְאִי pilʼîy, pil-ee'; or פָּלִיא pâlîyʼ; from H6381; remarkable:—secret, wonderful.
Adrian, have you heard that the Hebrew word for wonderful is used (by folks speaking Hebrew) only for God?

Here it is in Judges 13:18 "But the angel of the LORD said to him, 'Why do you ask my name, for it is wonderful?'"

From Strong's Concordance:
The KJV translates Strong's H6383 in the following manner: secret (1x), wonderful (1x), variant (2x).

Outline of Biblical Usage
  1. wonderful, incomprehensible, extraordinary
Strong’s Definitions

פִּלְאִי pilʼîy, pil-ee'; or פָּלִיא pâlîyʼ; from H6381; remarkable:—secret, wonderful.
No. I hadn't; although I could see that being true. After all, Isaiah tells us Messiah is called WONDERFUL פֶלֶא (palah), Counselor. Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace, and He did come in the name of the Father (John 5:43).

But fyi, that same word פֶלֶא (palah) is used in 13 places in the Bible to also mean wonders, miracles, and even something astonishing (Lamentations 1:9). And it is also used of us in Psalm 139:14 where David says we are fearfully and wonderfully made.
No. I hadn't; although I could see that being true. After all, Isaiah tells us Messiah is called WONDERFUL פֶלֶא (palah), Counselor. Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace, and He did come in the name of the Father (John 5:43).

But fyi, that same word פֶלֶא (palah) is used in 13 places in the Bible to also mean wonders, miracles, and even something astonishing (Lamentations 1:9). And it is also used of us in Psalm 139:14 where David says we are fearfully and wonderfully made.
Thank you so much Pastor :thankyou: