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Muslims Abducting and Forcibly Converting Hindu Women from Bahrain to Bihar.

Ghoti Ichthus

Genesis 18:32, 2 Chronicles 7:14, Acts 5:29
It's not just Jewish and Christian women that muslims hate, rape, torture, and kill.

Muslims Abducting and Forcibly Converting Hindu Women​

From Bahrain to Bihar.​

May 27, 2024 by Ashlyn Davis

"Rape Hindu women, force them to convert, marry them if you please, abandon them, torture them, blackmail them or kill them — this is a template of how myriads of Hindu women have been tormented by Muslims in India. Heartened by the negligible penalties for their offenses in their home country, these Muslims have taken this pattern of exploiting Hindu women and forcing them to convert to Islam beyond the borders of India."

It's not just Jewish and Christian women that muslims hate, rape, torture, and kill.

Muslims Abducting and Forcibly Converting Hindu Women​

From Bahrain to Bihar.​

May 27, 2024 by Ashlyn Davis

"Rape Hindu women, force them to convert, marry them if you please, abandon them, torture them, blackmail them or kill them — this is a template of how myriads of Hindu women have been tormented by Muslims in India. Heartened by the negligible penalties for their offenses in their home country, these Muslims have taken this pattern of exploiting Hindu women and forcing them to convert to Islam beyond the borders of India."

Islam is evil to its core.