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Moscow: U.S. Faces ‘Fatal Consequences’ for Letting Ukraine Use U.S. Weapons to Target Russia

Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said on Monday the United States could face “fatal consequences” for allowing Ukraine to use American weapons to strike targets on Russian soil.

Ryabkov was responding to statements from U.S. officials on Friday that President Joe Biden reportedly granted Ukraine permission to hit targets in Russia with weapons provided by the United States under certain situations. More specifically, the Ukrainians were cleared to hit positions in Russia launching devastating artillery and missile attacks against the border city of Kharkiv.

Germany also gave Ukraine permission on Friday to use its weapons against Russian targets to defend Kharkiv. The Netherlands, Finland, and Poland expressed support for allowing Ukraine to defend itself against attacks launched from Russian territory, as did NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg.

“I would like to warn American leaders against miscalculations that could have fatal consequences. For unknown reasons, they underestimate the seriousness of the rebuff they may receive,” Ryabkov said in response on Monday, as quoted by Russian state media.


The West (political leadership) seems to want a wider war.
Yes i think it is in their interest to provoke WW3. I will be surprised if they mishandle 2024 election cycle and are not darn close to get us up into the WW3 sphere. What's the world coming to when global resetists can't even get enough of a WW3 theater going when absolutely crucial to do so? What's the world coming to? 😏
Something has to play out for THE crisis needed to bring the globalists together and convince the world that they need a World government.
I don't think another pandemic will do.

Remember that Putin is also an alumni of the Klaus Schwab school for young globalist leaders.

He wants a world government too, under his terms.

If he wants to instigate a war he just may make enough threats, even a false flag, to rattle someone else to start something first.
I doubt Russia would use nuclear warheads to strike directly at any nation, except maybe as an EMP strike. I think that's one reason they put their satellite weapon in space

**Russia’s Stationing A Nuclear ASAT In Orbit Could Spark Next World War

1 Lover i hear ya. I'm not so convinced about Putin though. I mean it makes sense as a world power player that he would smooch up to NWO where needed. But he has made a lot of statements against them since. China strikes me as a country that wants to own the world. I see that. But Russia seems more old school territorial thouigh. Like he is a modern colonizer of sorts if even that. I'd just say he seems to be the kind of leader that does not want to rule the rule but wants to be a massive power player in it. With China, i get the sense they just want to rule everything. Almost like China and NWO are playing each other for world dominance spot.

It was America (Obama) that gave the middle east over the Russia. So that just seems smart for Russia to take control there. I don't get the sense Russia wants all of the Ukraine. Historically America shafted Putin with Nato promises we did not keep. Putin is a modern Oligarc type rule. So its not like he is super spiritual or anything as i see it. But being the low dog on the totum pole, i do think Russia wanted more reasonable world trade.

As for nukes, i think he kind of has every right to be threaten the USA. We are the NWO. If i were him i would. Who wants the NWO on your border. It makes sense he wanted to reclaim places in Ukrain after we shafted him again in 2014. It looks like the USA shafts Putin while making money off him too like Uranium 1. So on that level it looks messed up. But i will check you articles out. Always interested. I wonder if the Bear in Daniels vision is Russia because (certainly it can be near and far term prophecy fulfillment--Medo-Persia...Russia) laying on one side with three ribs in his mouth could be like Syria, Iran, and Turkey (since they have such control of the middle east). Just some thoughts. Like that looks like a good match for Ez 38 timing.

If anything i would guess Putin is not NWO related because of BRICS and also there was a time he wanted to be friends with America until we stiffed the guy. America is far more NWO than Putin in my eyes. But i have a question then because i have seen things all over the map. And we never know when we are thinking in boxes too much. But does anyone on the forum perceive Ez 38 to be globalist NWO move? I've never associated the two. I hate the thought to even try. But because this is open discussion and we are not in the era of prophets, it would be a good consideration to rule out or understand perhaps why it might or might not. Personally i don't think so. I actually think the opposite. Like Ez 38 is a result of power grab outside the NWO. Alot of folks see America as a non-player in Ez 38. But i'm not in that school. But i do believe the NWO is a non player in that prophecy. But does anyone have different perspective on that? Blessings.
1 Lover i hear ya. I'm not so convinced about Putin though. I mean it makes sense as a world power player that he would smooch up to NWO where needed. But he has made a lot of statements against them since. China strikes me as a country that wants to own the world. I see that. But Russia seems more old school territorial thouigh. Like he is a modern colonizer of sorts if even that. I'd just say he seems to be the kind of leader that does not want to rule the rule but wants to be a massive power player in it. With China, i get the sense they just want to rule everything. Almost like China and NWO are playing each other for world dominance spot.

It was America (Obama) that gave the middle east over the Russia. So that just seems smart for Russia to take control there. I don't get the sense Russia wants all of the Ukraine. Historically America shafted Putin with Nato promises we did not keep. Putin is a modern Oligarc type rule. So its not like he is super spiritual or anything as i see it. But being the low dog on the totum pole, i do think Russia wanted more reasonable world trade.

As for nukes, i think he kind of has every right to be threaten the USA. We are the NWO. If i were him i would. Who wants the NWO on your border. It makes sense he wanted to reclaim places in Ukrain after we shafted him again in 2014. It looks like the USA shafts Putin while making money off him too like Uranium 1. So on that level it looks messed up. But i will check you articles out. Always interested. I wonder if the Bear in Daniels vision is Russia because (certainly it can be near and far term prohecy fulfillment--Medo-Persia...Russia) laying on one side with three ribs in his mouth could be like Syria, Iran, and Turkey (since they have such control of the middle east. Just some thoughts. Like that looks like a good match for Ez 38 timing.

If anything i would guess Putin is not NWO related because of BRICS and also there was a time he wanted to be friends with America until we stiffed the guy. America is far more NWO than Putin in my eyes. But i have a question then because i have seen things all over the map. And we never know when we are thinking in boxes too much. But does anyone on the forum percieve Ez 38 to be globalist NWO move? I've never associated the two. I hate the thought to even try. But because this is open discussion and we are not in the era of prophets, it would be a good consideration to rule out or understand perhaps why it might. Personally i don't think so. I actually think the opposite. Like Ez 38 is a result of power grab outside the NWO. Alot of folks see America as a non-player in Ez 38. But i'm not in that school. But i do believe the NWO is a non player in that prophecy. But does anyone have different perspective on that? Blessings.
I don't believe Putin will bring in the NWO, but I do think it's an aspiration of his to dominate the world, in particular the West.
As a matter of fact the reason he is chumming up with China is because Putin has his mindset on a Eurasian world power to dominate the West. He's taking what he learned from his time in the global leaders training to conquer the West, basically the NATO Nations.
However what Putin aspires doesn't mean it's going to pan out because the fourth Beast Kingdom of Daniel 7 will be a world power made up of Ten Kings.

Read below if you are interested in what Putin is striving to accomplish and while it may not get anywhere it doesn't mean he won't try

Here's a segment from the article and the entire article points out what Putin wants in regards to having dominance over the nations.

****the ever-closer alignment of Russia with China is not, as some pundits have opined, generated by US policy of trying to contain or even encircle Russia. Nor is it a result of NATO’s enlargement into countries of the former Warsaw Pact. The Sino-Russian alliance is in part the product of the same nationalist ferment in Russia that has been underway for several decades and is now channeled through Putin’s fixation on Russia as a Eurasian country-civilization. Putin is drawing Russia closer to China because he believes the Chinese will give Russia the heft it needs to defeat the West and establish its russkiy mir.
Complete Article: