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Mo State Senate Moves To Remove Biden From Ballot


Mo State Senator Bill Eigel plans to remove Biden from the ballot. He is introducing legislation to disqualify him. He is also running for Governor in Mo. This is pretty funny. They take Trump's name off the ballot so why not Biden? After all we are the Show (y) Me (y) State. Also, Lt. Governor Dan Patrick of Texas does as well. Don't Mess With Texas. There are another 4 states as well they are Georgia, Arizona, Florida (DeSantis) and Pennsylvania.
Well if States can dismiss Trump arbitrarily, when he was never tried and convicted,
then a State can dismiss any candidate for the Presidency.

Just waiting for the first State to dismiss all candidates....
If this is the case, then candidates could also be barred or removed for local and state offices.

Down the road, I could see Christian faith, or at least membership in/attendance at "unapproved" churches as disqualifying. Just as it is in Germany, USSR, etc.

A State Governor could remove all the other parties' challengers
I can see this happening, so elections are cancelled and the left keeps the WH.
Wishful thinking no doubt for the lefties, but never going to happen.

Politics is getting off the rails crazy in these last days.

No matter who wins in November, there will be a high probability of civil discourse that will make the riots of 2020/2021 look like peaceful protests.