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Mitch McConnell Lobbies Republican Senators to Pass Secret Migration Bill

Tall Timbers

Imperfect but forgiven
Staff member
Republican Senate leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) is quietly pressuring GOP senators to promise their support for his border bill before it is released to the public for debate.

The draft bill is also being reviewed by the Senate’s Committee on Appropriations because the Biden administration wants roughly $15 billion to operate its migration program in 2024. The money is needed by Democrats to process, transport, feed, house, and hide arriving 2024 migrants — and the 6.2 million migrants already admitted — during the run-up to the 2024 election.

“Half of my Republican caucus is, as we speak, ready to sell out, and they’re ready to sell out fake border reform in exchange for what they really want, which is to send more of your tax dollars to Ukraine,” Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) told Tucker Carlson.

The devil has his minions in both parties...
The devil has his minions in both parties...
Yeah. That's why, even though I almost exclusively vote Republican, I don't consider myself a Republican. They talk a good game, but when they get in power for any amount of time, they're just as corrupt as the Dems. Then the Dems get back into office (because everyone can see how evil the other party has gotten) and the country's policies slide further left and closer to hell.
Yeah. That's why, even though I almost exclusively vote Republican, I don't consider myself a Republican. They talk a good game, but when they get in power for any amount of time, they're just as corrupt as the Dems. Then the Dems get back into office (because everyone can see how evil the other party has gotten) and the country's policies slide further left and closer to hell.
Me neither, I can't get behind any political partys.

I partly blame lobbyists with all of the bribery, but I think we voters neglected to limit terms. Presidents are limited to two terms, so should both houses have been limited, with no lifetime perks. Some people genuinely want to serve this nation. They get chewed up and spit out.

McConnell’s Border Giveaway Sparks Mutiny by GOP Senators​

Republican Senate Leader Mitch McConnell is reportedly backing away from his pro-migration border bill amid a mutiny by multiple GOP Senators.

“MCCONNELL told a closed meeting of Senate Republicans Wed[nesday afternoon] that the politics of the border has flipped for R[epublicans]s and cast doubt on linking Ukraine and border,” Punchbowl News reported early Wednesday evening.

“This bill cannot move if 41 of us say we’re not going to take that” exclusion by McConnell, said Sen. ‘Mike Lee (R-UT). “I’m asking my colleagues to hold 41 [votes” to ensure the deal is blocked, he said.

“The problem is our leader, Leader McConnell, is really the stage manager of this negotiation,” said Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI).
