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Military Survey: One World Leader’s Regime is Overwhelmingly Considered the Greatest Threat to America


Excerpts from Article:

.....Emphasizing that their views don’t reflect those of the Department of Defense or Department of the Army, The Gateway Pundit spoke to two of the survey’s participants on the condition of pseudonymity due to concern about reprisals.

Robbie Barnes (a pseudonym), an Army Sergeant First Class (SFC) with over 20 years of service, agreed with the majority. He identified President Joe Biden and his administration to be America’s greatest threat, explaining that “the Biden administration has systematically worked to erode our government and our freedoms from the inside out.”

With respect to the military, SFC Barnes said, “this has come in the form of ramming woke ideology, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) initiatives, and an unlawful COVID-19 mandate down our throats.” According to him, “[Biden and his administration has] worked to erode our own internal security with these things.”

As a result, he now questions the U.S. military’s ability to successfully fight a war on foreign soil. Reported by The Gateway Pundit, approximately 82 percent of the survey’s participants agreed, suggesting that the United States could not win a war against a near-peer threat, like China, Iran, North Korea, or Russia. The previous article also revealed the U.S. is not trained or equipped enough to face a combat deployment.......

Complete Article:

The results of the survey indicate to me that the vast majority of our military members currently serving are patriotic good old fashioned Americans.

As far as near peer threats, I don't think any exist, least of all China. That's discounting nukes where the US probably comes in 2nd place right now.
Or terror cells flooding through our southern border.

At about the 13-min mark we get some eye witness accounts.

"In this episode, we discuss hypotheses about the border situation. Having just returned from Panama, Bret hypothesizes that there are two immigrations happening: the migration driven by the pursuit of greater economic opportunities in the United States, which includes people from all over the world, and a lot of families; and a second, cryptic migration which includes mostly people from China, of military age, heavily skewed towards men. He also reviews a hypothesis from some years back, about the effect of the one-child policy in China, taken in concert with the tendency to prefer boys. We then discuss neurogenesis in pregnant mice; and also the “diaper spa” being opened in New Hampshire, which is only possible because we have stopped allowing ourselves to critique anti-social and anti-societal tendencies."