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Mike Johnson Claims Democrats Want To Give Undocumented Migrants The Vote


House Speaker Mike Johnson has claimed that Democrats are trying to ensure that undocumented migrants will be able to vote in the American elections, despite existing safeguard and legislation that prohibits this. The illegals know a Democrat President Biden let them come in, and that Republican Trump would deport them out of here. So this is why the Democrats want them to vote so they will vote Democrat. This is illegal they are not legal citizens. https://www.newsweek.com/mike-johnson-claims-democrats-want-give-undocumented-migrants-vote-1922872
They do. Amnesty and/or citizenship has always been suspected of being the target so that they can get millions of new Dem voters overnight.
And is why California became a sanctuary state for them and why they can have all the entitlements of State government aid without the same red tape citizens have to have to get them. All to get the votes from them.
They are given driver's licenses so they can register to vote.
I'm surprised that more people haven't figured out voting is why the Democrats are giving ID, lots of money, free health care and everything else to the illegals not just in California but in Democrat cities around the country, including here in Illinois, where poor Chicagoans who had their schools closed for lack of money have seen them reopened and renovated for illegals. The impoverished Chicagoans are also being denied sufficient funding for necessary programs in order to give money to the illegals. And some have even been forced out on the street due to "lack of available funds", while illegals are housed, cared for, and living well at taxpayers' expense. That's why many African Americans in Illinois are openly switching to the Republicans in this election. And it's why many black action groups have said we're going to see trouble at the DNC National Convention in Chicago next month.
I'm surprised that more people haven't figured out voting is why the Democrats are giving ID, lots of money, free health care and everything else to the illegals not just in California but in Democrat cities around the country, including here in Illinois, where poor Chicagoans who had their schools closed for lack of money have seen them reopened and renovated for illegals. The impoverished Chicagoans are also being denied sufficient funding for necessary programs in order to give money to the illegals. And some have even been forced out on the street due to "lack of available funds", while illegals are housed, cared for, and living well at taxpayers' expense. That's why many African Americans in Illinois are openly switching to the Republicans in this election. And it's why many black action groups have said we're going to see trouble at the DNC National Convention in Chicago next month.
This is their way of cheating catering to the illegals so they will get their votes. I :pray: that if the Democrats win because of all the illegals voting, that Christians are taken :rapture: out before this happens. I don't want to be here to see how our country is completely destroyed.