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Meditations by Deb S: The Tears of God


Staff member
Deb was the long time companion and caregiver for Sue Thomas of Sue Thomas F.B.Eye fame. When Sue went home in December 2022, she passed her ministry on to Deb. It was a Holy Spirit inspired choice. Deb's work in carrying on Sue's ministry is bearing fruit. And, in addition, her devotions are blessing countless souls.

The Tears of God

Whenever I see raindrops against a petal or a leaf, I think of the tears of God.


God understands tears?

Yes, for in The Beginning of Time, He created tears.

Thousands of years later, a microbiologist named Sir Alexander Fleming, discovered something amazing about that tiny droplet God created and hid in the eye. Tears have a naturally occurring substance called lysosome, that protects the eyes against airborne pathogens and bacteria!

Sir Fleming's scientific mind was awakened to all kinds of new possibilities. Six years later, in 1928, he discovered the hidden antibacterial powers of a mold that he named penicillin, which became the grandmother of the world of antibiotics today!

I remember learning all this in nursing school in my late teenage years. I must have shared that tiny detail with a friend who was having a rough season and was caving in to tears.

"It's good to cry sometimes. Tears have healing enzymes." I hope it was spoken sympathetically and not just glibly repeating something I had read in a book!

Either way, she never forgot it.

Several times in the past year as I've walked my own Valley of Tears, she has pulled out this little quip from my youth.

"It's okay to cry. Tears are healing. Someone once told me they have antibacterial enzymes that will wash over your heart and help heal it."

There's an old gospel chorus that says, "tears are a language God understands."

He created our emotions and He created our tears to be healing. But He did not just stand back indifferent and unconnected to His creation.

Hebrews 5:7 says Jesus, Himself, offered up strong cries and tears.

Of course He did.

He experienced all of the emotions that we feel.

Jesus wept.
He became a man of sorrows.
He grieved over the sins of others.
His love was rejected.
He experienced ultimate betrayal.
He saw death ravage close friends.
He faced His own painful death.

I was talking with a mother recently who said she spent the last few weeks hidden away just crying about the destructive path of her adult child.

"God sees the tears of a broken hearted soul...
He sees your tears and hears them when they fall."

Absolutely, tears are a language God understands! (G. Jensen)

Tears are good. But there must be a balance. There comes a time where we must dry those tears. We must dry them in faith and reach forward with hope.

Ecclesiastes 3 says there is a time to cry, and a time to laugh.

There is a time to grieve and a time to dance.

There's a time to search and a time to let go.

Yet God has made everything beautiful for its own time.

He has planted Eternity in the human heart.

Even so, in our finite humanness, we cannot see the whole scope of God’s work from beginning to end.

We have to trust that the God who sees our tears and collects them in His bottle and writes our sorrows in His book...

... HE knows the whole scope from beginning to end. And HE will make beauty from our ashes.

After all, in The Beginning of Time, He took dust and made man, and then breathed life into him.

Jesus, you see our tears and hear them when they fall. As you tenderly collect them, please turn them into something beautiful and breathe Life into them, so that they will produce something valuable that will last for all Eternity!