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Such a meaningful song! Have you ever heard it before?
I love songs about Heaven even more since people that I love have left Here to go There.
Some of you have shared that you've recently lost your mother, or your dad, or a sister or a very dear friend. It changes your perspective, doesn't it? Your entire purpose and meaning of life gets rattled but in time you will find more clarity. So hang on. It will get better!
I lost my own Dad almost 18 years ago. He was a pastor, and a pillar in the family. He had an energy for living that was similar to Sue's. He dreamed of big things, and yet found contentment and joy in little things. Even a terminal diagnosis did not rob him of that enthusiasm.
I vividly remember being at my sister's with Daddy. He was sitting on the couch watching his little grandchildren playing. They were happily oblivious to the glistening moisture in his eyes.Tears were betraying the ache in his heart because deep inside he knew he would not be there for them as they grew up.
But even as leukemia was eating his energy those final weeks, he continued to write "to do lists" of people he wanted to call, and projects he wanted to complete.
For a long time whenever I found one of those scraps of paper with his daily goals and plans for the future, my own tears burned at the realization that his life had been cut short leaving unfulfilled business still hanging around.
But now when I look back I see in the bigger picture that the enthusiasm and longing for living that God had given him is being satisfied this very moment in Eternal Life!
I can see that same thing in the life of Sue. Her hopes and plans and dreams were just a foretaste of what was to come.
For those who love Jesus, this life is only meant to be the appetizer before the main meal. It is meant to wake up our senses and tickle our taste buds, and make us hungry for heaven.
And with that perspective, I can see Sue, who increasingly struggled with walking, confidently striding onto shore and finding it heaven...
Who was losing her sense of touch and feeling in her hands and feet, reaching out in the darkness and touching a hand. The thrill that must have gone through her to realize it was the hand of Jesus!
And, with her struggles to breathe, due to her MS, stage 4 lung cancer, and then COVID, and her reliance on a non-invasive ventilator for deep breathing, taking her final breath here, then with her next breath taking in new air and finding it celestial! Ah, how sweet must be the air of heaven!
Heaven.. our Eternal Home.
Oh! That will be glory for me!
When by His grace I shall look on His face,
That will be glory...be glory for me!