Ghoti Ichthus
Genesis 18:32, 2 Chronicles 7:14, Acts 5:29

After seeing what for-profit hospitals did and didn't do for my Parents and one of my siblings the last several years, and how the VA has overall treated me, at least until this year, TAKE ME TO THE VA!!! People in both the VA and the for-profit hospitals acknowledge that the VA doesn't have the same constraints as the for-profit medical systems

All this is, is a way to kill "useless eaters" (old, handicapped, cognitively challenged, etc.), especially those, whose care is/will be expensive. Just another "cost containment tool" to maximize profits

Follow the money . . . always follow the money

Medically Assisted Suicide Up for Debate at Minnesota Legislature for 10th Year
By Esme MurphyMarch 13, 2024 / 9:22 PM CDT / CBS Minnesota
"MINNEAPOLIS — Does a dying person have the right to have a doctor help end their life? It's a question that once again is up for debate at the Minnesota Legislature.
Supporters say this could be the year medically assisted dying becomes Minnesota law. Opponents say not so fast — the danger of abuse will cost unwilling patients their lives."

Medically assisted suicide up for debate at Minnesota Legislature for 10th year
Supporters say this could be the year medically assisted dying becomes Minnesota law. Opponents say not so fast — the danger of abuse will cost unwilling patients their lives.