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MASSIVE Groups of Military Age Males From Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, India, Pakistan, Nepal, and More...in Panama to Flown into US by Biden Regime (VIDEO)

The Biden Regime is now granting asylum to illegal immigrants in South America and flying them by plane into the United States to arrive “as refugees who have already met the requirements and will be legally allowed to live and work in the U.S.,” according to the Associated Press.

Bergquam shared a photo of a group he discovered on Tuesday night showing “over 50 men from Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, India, Pakistan, and Nepal, all being smuggled in the middle of the night.”....

....“This is just one of the countless numbers of groups in a constant flow to the United States,” said Bergquam:

BERGQUAM: This is just one of the groups in the jungle right now. They split up into smaller groups, and they camp in different locations. So, imagine this in 100 different locations throughout the jungle right now. So, when the sun comes up, they get back in line, and they start making their way to their next overnight spot, all guided by the cartels.


How long can this evil destruction of America be allowed to continue??? I God, please act on our behalf. We don't deserve it, but please rescue our nation. Please let us for a season live in the political and social environment that you originally created here. And may we who are Yours use the opportunity to spread the gospel throughout the land for one last time before the final darkness of this Age arrives and we go home.
We've seen what's happened to some of the European countries. That was happening in the US too until Trump put a stop to it. The pipelines are opened back up now. It's not going to end well. It's one sign of many of the times we live in... we're surely nearing the end of this era.
From a Washington Stand report comparing Trump's and Biden's speeches in Texas last week, some chilling facts. President Trump said:

“'Last year, almost half of all ICE arrests were criminal aliens charged for more than 33,000 assaults, 3,000 robberies, 6,900 burglaries, 7,500 weapons crimes — this is all migrant crime — 4,300 sex crimes, 1,600 kidnappings, and 1,700 homicides and murders.' Tellingly, the legacy media’s numerous 'fact-checks' of Trump’s speech found no error in these grim statistics."
(‘A Biden Invasion’: Trump and Biden’s Border Speeches Make ‘An Extraordinary Contrast’)