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Many Gazans about to turn to Christ, says Palestinian Evangelical, tonight on THE ROSENBERG REPORT


While many geopolitical changes are ahead, tonight on THE ROSENBERG REPORT on TBN, a Palestinian Evangelical Christian from Gaza tells me that he believes a great spiritual awakening is about to take place in the Gaza Strip when the Hamas terrorist organization is finally and fully vanquished.

Last week on THE ROSENBERG REPORT, Taysir Abu Saada – known to his friends as “Tass” – told me his testimony of how he was once a radical Islamist terrorist working for Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat in the 1970s and 80s, and then got radically saved in the 1990s, coming to faith in Jesus Christ after the prayers and witness of a friend, and after beginning to read the Gospel of John in the New Testament.

Tonight, in Part Two of our conversation, Saada predicts that many Gazans – feeling so hopeless and lost and defeated and lied to by Hamas – are about to abandon Islam entirely, including rejecting the teachings and leadership of the Hamas terror movement.

Many, in turn, he said, will then embrace the teachings of Jesus Christ, who declared unequivocally in the Gospel of John: “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life, and no one comes to the Father except through Me.” (John 14:6)....


While many geopolitical changes are ahead, tonight on THE ROSENBERG REPORT on TBN, a Palestinian Evangelical Christian from Gaza tells me that he believes a great spiritual awakening is about to take place in the Gaza Strip when the Hamas terrorist organization is finally and fully vanquished.

Last week on THE ROSENBERG REPORT, Taysir Abu Saada – known to his friends as “Tass” – told me his testimony of how he was once a radical Islamist terrorist working for Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat in the 1970s and 80s, and then got radically saved in the 1990s, coming to faith in Jesus Christ after the prayers and witness of a friend, and after beginning to read the Gospel of John in the New Testament.

Tonight, in Part Two of our conversation, Saada predicts that many Gazans – feeling so hopeless and lost and defeated and lied to by Hamas – are about to abandon Islam entirely, including rejecting the teachings and leadership of the Hamas terror movement.

Many, in turn, he said, will then embrace the teachings of Jesus Christ, who declared unequivocally in the Gospel of John: “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life, and no one comes to the Father except through Me.” (John 14:6)....


Many, in turn, he said, will then embrace the teachings of Jesus Christ, who declared unequivocally in the Gospel of John: “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life, and no one comes to the Father except through Me.” (John 14:6)....
I sure hope this is true, and they make the wise decision before its too late and they are left behind or are killed in the war.