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"Mammoth" Carbon Capture Facility Gets Up and Running in Iceland

Ghoti Ichthus

Genesis 18:32, 2 Chronicles 7:14, Acts 5:29

"Mammoth" Carbon Capture Facility Gets Up and Running in Iceland

"Hellisheidi, Iceland — With Mammoth's 72 industrial fans, Swiss start-up Climeworks intends to suck almost 40,000 tons of CO2 from the air annually to bury underground, vying to prove the technology has a place in the fight against global warming. Mammoth, the largest carbon dioxide capture and storage facility of its kind, launched operations this week situated on a dormant volcano in Iceland."

"Just 31 miles from an active volcano, the seemingly risky site was chosen for its proximity to the Hellisheidi geothermal energy plant necessary to power the facility's fans and heat chemical filters to extract CO2 with water vapor.
The CO2 is then separated from the steam and compressed in a hangar where huge pipes crisscross.
Finally, the gas is dissolved in water and pumped underground with a "sort of giant SodaStream," said Bergur Sigfusson, chief system development officer for Carbfix, which developed the process.
A well, drilled under a futuristic-looking dome, injects the water 2,300 feet down into the volcanic basalt that makes up 90% of Iceland's subsoil, where it reacts with the magnesium, calcium and iron in the rock to form crystals — solid reservoirs of CO2."


Several issues . . .

What could possibly go wrong?

Injecting large quantities of stuff underground near a volcano?!!!

Especially stuff that changes the geochemical make-up of the subterranean rock . . .
Dormant doesn't mean dead

This facility only takes care of 40,000 tons of CO2, but the climate control people say 17.6 BILLION tons of CO2 . . .
Even though this is supposedly a small demonstration facility, I smell boondoggle . . . follow the money . . . always follow the money

What are the trees, plants, crops, etc. going to use with the sunlight for photosynthesis and oxygen production (and atmospheric cleansing)??? Not very tree-hugger-friendly This all by itself is problematic in light of greenhouse gas emissions (including CO2) and counter-productive to solving the alleged climate-warming problem. Seems to me, planting more plants would be simpler, cleaner, safer, and far more effective. Aaaaaaand, plants are where we get our food from, directly or indirectly. Famine??? Wonder if this will make the forest fires even worse than they already are??? Better to let God's natural cycles and correcting/replenishing balances deal with it [sigh]

Wonder if all the CO2 locked up in the basalt, which is very rigid, will have anything to do with the 100 pound rocks of hail

Wonder what new and "interesting" properties the chemically altered basalt will exhibit???
And, pollution???

Methane seems to be a bigger problem than CO2, but gets a lot less attention (possibly because more expensive and hazardous to work with, or maybe because harder to control the masses over methane than over CO2)

Recent study finds 'garbage lasagnas' forming in open landfills across US release staggering amount of air pollution: 'Decades of trash that's sitting under the landfill'

Researchers discovered that over half had sizable methane plumes, which sometimes lasted for months or years.

:pray: :pray: :amen: :amen: :thankyou: :thankyou:

"Mammoth" Carbon Capture Facility Gets Up and Running in Iceland

"Hellisheidi, Iceland — With Mammoth's 72 industrial fans, Swiss start-up Climeworks intends to suck almost 40,000 tons of CO2 from the air annually to bury underground, vying to prove the technology has a place in the fight against global warming. Mammoth, the largest carbon dioxide capture and storage facility of its kind, launched operations this week situated on a dormant volcano in Iceland."

"Just 31 miles from an active volcano, the seemingly risky site was chosen for its proximity to the Hellisheidi geothermal energy plant necessary to power the facility's fans and heat chemical filters to extract CO2 with water vapor.
The CO2 is then separated from the steam and compressed in a hangar where huge pipes crisscross.
Finally, the gas is dissolved in water and pumped underground with a "sort of giant SodaStream," said Bergur Sigfusson, chief system development officer for Carbfix, which developed the process.
A well, drilled under a futuristic-looking dome, injects the water 2,300 feet down into the volcanic basalt that makes up 90% of Iceland's subsoil, where it reacts with the magnesium, calcium and iron in the rock to form crystals — solid reservoirs of CO2."


Several issues . . .

What could possibly go wrong?

Injecting large quantities of stuff underground near a volcano?!!!

Especially stuff that changes the geochemical make-up of the subterranean rock . . .
Dormant doesn't mean dead

This facility only takes care of 40,000 tons of CO2, but the climate control people say 17.6 BILLION tons of CO2 . . .
Even though this is supposedly a small demonstration facility, I smell boondoggle . . . follow the money . . . always follow the money

What are the trees, plants, crops, etc. going to use with the sunlight for photosynthesis and oxygen production (and atmospheric cleansing)??? Not very tree-hugger-friendly This all by itself is problematic in light of greenhouse gas emissions (including CO2) and counter-productive to solving the alleged climate-warming problem. Seems to me, planting more plants would be simpler, cleaner, safer, and far more effective. Aaaaaaand, plants are where we get our food from, directly or indirectly. Famine??? Wonder if this will make the forest fires even worse than they already are??? Better to let God's natural cycles and correcting/replenishing balances deal with it [sigh]

Wonder if all the CO2 locked up in the basalt, which is very rigid, will have anything to do with the 100 pound rocks of hail

Wonder what new and "interesting" properties the chemically altered basalt will exhibit???
And, pollution???

Methane seems to be a bigger problem than CO2, but gets a lot less attention (possibly because more expensive and hazardous to work with, or maybe because harder to control the masses over methane than over CO2)

Recent study finds 'garbage lasagnas' forming in open landfills across US release staggering amount of air pollution: 'Decades of trash that's sitting under the landfill'

Researchers discovered that over half had sizable methane plumes, which sometimes lasted for months or years.

:pray: :pray: :amen: :amen: :thankyou: :thankyou:
Ok I had to laugh, but not at you or your comments! I agree.

The sheer insanity of this giant waste of money.

Injecting the equivalent of a lot of CO2 gas - a fizzy mixture like a shaken can of soda pop- and putting it deep underground near a "dormant" volcano which is 31 km away from an active one all but ensures that thing will blow like a teenager's can of soda pop opened by his friend after being thoroughly primed and shaken outside the friend's view.

The people who "invest" in this boondoggle (and you are so right) probably get enormous carbon offset points to apply to their carbon spewing actions so that they can bask in the glow of their "environmentalism".

They won't be worried about cow farts then, earth farts might be more to the point! All those earth worshippers better beware the indigestion of "mother earth"!

Ok I had to laugh, but not at you or your comments! I agree.

The sheer insanity of this giant waste of money.

Injecting the equivalent of a lot of CO2 gas - a fizzy mixture like a shaken can of soda pop- and putting it deep underground near a "dormant" volcano which is 31 km away from an active one all but ensures that thing will blow like a teenager's can of soda pop opened by his friend after being thoroughly primed and shaken outside the friend's view.

The people who "invest" in this boondoggle (and you are so right) probably get enormous carbon offset points to apply to their carbon spewing actions so that they can bask in the glow of their "environmentalism".

They won't be worried about cow farts then, earth farts might be more to the point!

I do it too, Margery. I see a headline or read a story and it's so preposterous, arrogant, silly, or just plain out there, I just have to laugh. Whether it's a headline about Trump running the country from prison or this, it just necessitates spitting out your tea sometimes. These are some times we are in, huh? Let me tell ya.
Ok I had to laugh, but not at you or your comments! I agree.

The sheer insanity of this giant waste of money.

Injecting the equivalent of a lot of CO2 gas - a fizzy mixture like a shaken can of soda pop- and putting it deep underground near a "dormant" volcano which is 31 km away from an active one all but ensures that thing will blow like a teenager's can of soda pop opened by his friend after being thoroughly primed and shaken outside the friend's view.


Opening the gates of Hell . . .

The people who "invest" in this boondoggle (and you are so right) probably get enormous carbon offset points to apply to their carbon spewing actions so that they can bask in the glow of their "environmentalism".

They won't be worried about cow farts then, earth farts might be more to the point! All those earth worshippers better beware the indigestion of "mother earth"!


Fifth Trumpet, First Woe?

or maybe, simply, "as in the days of Noah?" Volcanoes at the start and end of the Flood (in addition to the folded and heaved up mountains, etc.)

37 But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.
38 For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark,
39 And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.
40 Then shall two be in the field; the one shall be taken, and the other left.
41 Two women shall be grinding at the mill; the one shall be taken, and the other left.
42 Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come.
Matthew 24:37-42, KJV

CO2 is one of the key components of life on Earth. Why on earth would these idiots want to bury it? If they succeed in this foolishness, they will kill off a lot of plants and animals.
AND people, directly and indirectly :mad:

Perhaps TPTB think they can create another "commodity" to be bought, sold, and and traded :lol: A different kind of fertilizer that farmers will need :eek: Except I think it will become economically infeasible to re-extract it except for localities co-located with the facilities that captured and trapped the carbon in the first place. Or perhaps impossible due to volcanic eruption and lava pave-over caused by these activities.
God creates planet, with many life cycle systems that run perfectly utilizing various gasses in the atmosphere so plants can take in harmful CO2 gas and emit life giving oxygen, but man thinking he is wise decides he can improve on the Creator's operational performance of the planet and they are so busy in their modification schemes that one day they do not see the big hammer about to come down out of the heavens onto their heads ! :doh:
These people know fully well that this will have virtually no impact on the overall natural or even man-caused sources. They are liars but it will impress the psychosomatic folks and will help them gain momentum, funding, power, etc.
From what I understand, it's very easy to get grant funding for this kind of stuff.
Wonder if I can link my student loans to this :lol: