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Majority of American Christians believe Israel's right to biblical borders, survey finds

Sixty-two percent of American Christians agreed that Israel’s right to the land extends to the biblical borders, highlighting significant support for the nation’s territorial claims based on religious texts.

Among evangelicals, 69 percent agreed that Israel’s right to the land extends to the biblical borders, reflecting the highest level of support among the denominations surveyed. Mainline Protestants showed a slightly lower agreement rate at 52 percent, while 56 percent of Catholics concurred with this perspective.

This survey also delved into broader beliefs about the Abrahamic Covenant, with 48 percent of all respondents believing that God's covenant with the Jewish people remains intact. The breakdown showed that 58 percent of evangelicals, 44 percent of mainline Protestants, and 38 percent of Catholics hold this belief.

Views towards Israel's actions in recent conflicts

Forty-five percent of respondents see Israel's response to the October 7, 2023, attacks by Hamas as mostly justified.

Evangelicals had the highest percentage (21 percent) viewing Israel's actions as completely justified, compared to 23 percent of mainline Protestants and 18 percent of Catholics.

