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Luciferian Conspiracy

Andy C

Note: The following article is an excerpt submitted by Dr. J.B Hixson from his book series Spirit of the Antichrist and Spirit of the False Prophet. J.B. is the pastor of Plum Creek Chapel in Sedalia, Colorado, and the founder of Not By Works Ministries.)

Mark Twain once observed, “How easy it is to make people believe a lie, and how hard it is to undo that work again!” In Mein Kampf, Adolf Hitler wrote, “The principle… which is quite true in itself…[is] that in the big lie there is always a certain force of credibility.” This quote is often paraphrased as, “The bigger the lie, the easier it is to be believed.”

As I described in my book The Great Last Days Deception: Exposing Satan’s New World Order Agenda, the Luciferian Conspiracy is a long-standing plan which goes back to Lucifer’s fall from Heaven and his attempt to take over this world and make it his own. It represents the evil side in the cosmic struggle between good and evil, between God and Satan.

A “conspiracy” refers to any villainous plan set forth by two or more entities to perpetrate a crime or commit evil. Satan’s co-conspirators in the Luciferian Conspiracy include demons and the global elite, who for centuries have represented Satan’s “boots on the ground,” his human partners in crime, as he attempts to deceive the whole world (Revelation 12:9).​

“Wake Up!”​

Jesus’ admonition to the church in Sardis applies today. Thankfully, people are finally waking up to the rising threat as God raises up watchmen and women to pull back the curtain on the demonic origins of the growing deception. But the Luciferians simply cannot allow the truth to get out to the masses. Why not? What are they worried about? What is it they do not want us to know? George R. R. Martin said it well in his book, A Clash of Kings: “When you tear out a man’s tongue you are not proving him a liar, you’re only telling the world that you fear what he might say.”

I've read both of Hixson's Spirit of the Antichrist books and was stunned by the evidence of evil that I wasn't aware of. Very unsettling. Sometimes I think it's all too much to know.
But it does bring into focus how dark the world is becoming. For example, since it's pride month, all the parades are flaunting absolute perversion. We saw some YT interviews of attendees and it's way more evil than I wouldve imagined. Incest and beastiality are just considered "kink" and ways to express yourself.
Satan has practically everyone throwing their sin in God's face! And Hixson shows how orchestrated it all is in his books.

From the above article:
"One of the surest signs of truth decay in our society is the simultaneous rise in anti-Christian sentiment and sexual perversion."

"The Bible warns, “scoffers will come in the last days, walking according to their own lusts” (2 Peter 3:3). The word translated “lust” here is epithumia, meaning 'evil desire or craving.' "

Twenty reasons this battle matters today. Here are the top five reasons:​

  1. God’s Word teaches it.
  2. Understanding the Luciferian agenda reminds us of the spiritual battle.
  3. The world’s system is contrary to God’s system.
  4. God’s Word tells us to be prepared.
  5. Ignorance can be dangerous.
The inspired word for "scoffers" used in 2 Peter 3:3 comes from a root word that means to ridicule and to mock. And how fitting that is! Those who do not accept God's Word these days are not just rejecting it, they are openly mocking it, ridiculing it and those who hold to it. But do not be discouraged by this. Keep your eyes on Jesus Christ. The scoffers may be laughing now, but I've read the end of the book-- God has the last laugh, and so do we!
I'm just getting to know JB Hixson's work. I bought one of his books after watching him on Prophecy Watchers. Impressive. Really like him thus far. I bought the 3rd book in a series (going from the end to the beginning) but it was a topic that intrigued me- Spirit of the False Prophet: Rise of the Global Technocracy. Spirit Series book 3.

He and Patrick Wood are the ones writing about Technocracy (friends and colleagues) and it's very interesting to match up with recent history. I got Patrick's book The Evil Twins of Technocracy and Transhumanism and his is even more in depth. I haven't finished plowing thru both but when I do I think I'll get some more by Hixson and Wood both.
Yeah Karl Marx is another one in the Hitler mould whose books and communist doctrines have cause a heap of destruction, i got a very interesting video of Jordan Peterson discussing whether Karl Marx was an actual Satanist:
