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Life In The Millennial Kingdom

Andy C

We often have threads focused on the rapture, and the tribulation. Seldom do we have threads on life in the MK for the church. Some prophecy teachers believe we will reside in Heaven, but also will go back and forth between there and earth. What will it be like to be in our Glorified body, and interacting with our formerly unsaved loved ones who became tribulation saints, and are still in their earthly body? What will the role of the church be throughout the MK?
We often have threads focused on the rapture, and the tribulation. Seldom do we have threads on life in the MK for the church. Some prophecy teachers believe we will reside in Heaven, but also will go back and forth between there and earth. What will it be like to be in our Glorified body, and interacting with our formerly unsaved loved ones who became tribulation saints, and are still in their earthly body? What will the role of the church be throughout the MK?
I have trouble imagining this. I can't imagine going to heaven with Jesus and then ever wanting to walk out of that glorious city ever again.

“With Christ at the head of His worldwide Kingdom, the earth will experience a radical transformation.

Unlike today, people will be full of sense and understanding, and respect and admiration will be reserved only for those who deserve it.

"Even the hotheads will be full of sense and understanding. Those who stammer will speak out plainly. In that day ungodly fools will not be heroes. Scoundrels will not be respected." Isaiah 32:4-5 (NLT)
In contrast to today's world where the righteous face persecution while the world worships a celebrity culture that advocates degenerate behavior, the Millennial Kingdom will not hold up foolishness as heroic.

In addition, all violent conflict within the animal kingdom itself and between the animal kingdom and mankind will disappear.

As a result, humans and animals will live in a state of peace most will find difficult to imagine:

"In that day the wolf and the lamb will live together; the leopard will lie down with the baby goat. The calf and the yearling will be safe with the lion, and a little child will lead them all. The cow will graze near the bear. The cub and the calf will lie down together. The lion will eat hay like a cow. The baby will play safely near the hole of a cobra. Yes, a little child will put its hand in a nest of deadly snakes without harm. Nothing will hurt or destroy in all my holy mountain, for as the waters fill the sea, so the earth will be filled with people who know the Lord." Isaiah 11:6-9 (NLT)”

Sometimes, my mind can run away with “what ifs”. What if after the rapture, an unbelieving spouse is left behind, but quickly comes to faith in Him by remembering all that their spouse tried to get them to believe. Then that spouse survives to the end of the tribulation, and enters into the MK in their natural body. However, during the 7 years of the tribulation, finds a perfect match, marries, and they both enter the MK together. Would it then be awkward for the former pre rapture spouse, in their glorified body, to see their former spouse married to another?
We often have threads focused on the rapture, and the tribulation. Seldom do we have threads on life in the MK for the church. Some prophecy teachers believe we will reside in Heaven, but also will go back and forth between there and earth. What will it be like to be in our Glorified body, and interacting with our formerly unsaved loved ones who became tribulation saints, and are still in their earthly body? What will the role of the church be throughout the MK?
Good topic, AndyWoods reckons we arenonly in heaven temporarily and would be dwelling in New Jerusalem mainly
Sometimes, my mind can run away with “what ifs”. What if after the rapture, an unbelieving spouse is left behind, but quickly comes to faith in Him by remembering all that their spouse tried to get them to believe. Then that spouse survives to the end of the tribulation, and enters into the MK in their natural body. However, during the 7 years of the tribulation, finds a perfect match, marries, and they both enter the MK together. Would it then be awkward for the former pre rapture spouse, in their glorified body, to see their former spouse married to another?
I think with our glorifies state, we won't feel awkwardness with it
The vow says "until death do us part." We don't die in the Rapture, we just go someplace else for awhile, but we are very much alive.
No different than a Soldier Missing in Action (etc.). IIRC, the military generally waits seven years before it'll consider a petition from Next of Kin to have the MIA Soldier declared dead. Things "may" have changed since I was in, and varying circumstances may impact this.

If seven years is used as a standard to declare a missing person dead, then no remarriage until the end/after the Tribulation.
OTOH, there is case for abandonment since the Raptured spouse left the other behind with no intention of returning and resuming the marriage, in which case the person left behind is free to divorce and remarry. In some cases, there might be a year wait required by law/statute for either abandonment or separation.

Bet TPTB dream up paperwork with blanket, virtually automatic, approval to legally terminate such marriages to facilitate remarriage, property transfers, etc.

FWIW, my life insurance policy has a "disappearance" clause 😁 Likely intended in case I become MIA, but I don't remember any exclusion for Rapture or alien abduction :lol:
The vow says "until death do us part." We don't die in the Rapture, we just go someplace else for awhile, but we are very much alive.
No different than a Soldier Missing in Action (etc.). IIRC, the military generally waits seven years before it'll consider a petition from Next of Kin to have the MIA Soldier declared dead. Things "may" have changed since I was in, and varying circumstances may impact this.

If seven years is used as a standard to declare a missing person dead, then no remarriage until the end/after the Tribulation.
OTOH, there is case for abandonment since the Raptured spouse left the other behind with no intention of returning and resuming the marriage, in which case the person left behind is free to divorce and remarry. In some cases, there might be a year wait required by law/statute for either abandonment or separation.

Bet TPTB dream up paperwork with blanket, virtually automatic, approval to legally terminate such marriages to facilitate remarriage, property transfers, etc.

FWIW, my life insurance policy has a "disappearance" clause 😁 Likely intended in case I become MIA, but I don't remember any exclusion for Rapture or alien abduction :lol:
Interesting. However, Im not sure any of the above would be applicable during the worst times in the history of mankind.
I'm a little confused on this, are there those that go into the millenial kingdom that aren't saved , eg they refuse to take the mark but may not have necessarily believed in Christ to be their saviour?
No, only believers enter the MK. However, they will still have kids throughout the MK and those kids will have to choose to believe, and not all will make the wise choice.
We will be in our glorified bodies. Whether that's after death or meeting Jesus in the air, we will be like the angels, neither marrying nor being given in marriage. (I do the "what-ifs" about pregnant Christian women at the rapture. I have no idea how that is going to work out. Will the children be born in heaven then sent back down to earth to live in the millenial kingdom as they come of age? Will they die and be brought in in glorified bodies? Will God cause all children to be born just before Jesus returns and then dry up all the wombs? No idea.)

The millenium kingdom is going to be a kingdom of peace, but it will still have fallen humans, so that peace will have to be enforced. If a country doesn't send tribute to Jerusalem, the Lord will cause a drought- there will be no rain. Psalm 2 mentions that Jesus will rule with a rod of iron, and will dash them in pieces like a potter's vessel. Remember that the Lord judges the heart. Crime may be prevented even before it happens to a certain extent as people who haven't done anything yet are called in to answer for the plotting that they are doing internally. I can easily imagine those who haven't been given the choice to live under such iron rule (the children) seeing this and looking back on the time when people had more "freedom." People also tend to grow complacent as they live under blessing. The time of the church age may be romanticized as halcyon days because people could do whatever they wanted, not remembering how awful, violent and evil the days are now, because they hadn't been born yet.

Just some random thoughts.
Will God cause all children to be born just before Jesus returns and then dry up all the wombs? No idea.)
I never thought about women not being able to get pregnant during the tribulation, or if that is even the case. I do believe all children below the age of accountability will be raptured, but what if women get pregnant during the trib?

Yes, no more marriage for those of us in our glorified body, and those in their natural body in the MK will be able to marry just like today.

Being in our glorified body, while talking to someone in their natural body, gives new meaning to the phrase “you are simply glowing today”….