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Lawmakers move to automate Selective Service registration for all men

A new plan from House lawmakers would automatically register men for a potential military draft when they hit age 18, avoiding potential legal consequences connected to failing to file the paperwork at the proper time.

Language included in the House Armed Services Committee’s draft of the annual defense authorization bill would mandate the automatic registration of all males between ages 18 and 26 living in America in the Selective Service System, the federal database used for a military draft in case of a national emergency.

The system hasn’t been used for that purpose for 52 years, but men who fail to register can face a host of legal consequences, including forfeiture of eligibility for federal programs and possible jail time.


I was watching MonkeyWerx on the subject yesterday. He figures they are quietly getting ready for war. He thinks it will extend to women of that same age group as well.

He also said this would be one way to stop Trump's presidential election, by declaring war. It provides a motive for Biden to stop Trump by suspending elections if it's not going their way.
Just how, exactly, do TPTB define a male?

Doesn't look like there's any exclusions for illegal aliens, migrants, refugees, etc.

And just how are they planning on using conscripts, whose mental, emotional, cognitive, and physical capabilities are far less than what is needed to serve in any capacity at all?

I don't like the idea of auto-register/auto-draft, especially since Conscientious Objector status would have to happen during a draft, when speed and number of inputs are paramount, instead of during/after registration when things can be properly verified or disproved. Ditto medical, psychological, legal, etc. suitability for military service. Draftee physicals and checks were always notoriously rubber-stamp :tap:

:pray: :pray: :amen: :amen: :thankyou: :thankyou:
Barron Trump just turned 18 in March, and he wants to go to college.
I'm "pretty sure" Barron's FAFSA would show disqualifying parental income for financial aid :lol:

The high enough muckety muck PTB have enough influence/clout to ensure favorable training and assignments for any family members, who are in the military, voluntarily or otherwise.

The kidnapping and national security risk would likely be great enough that Barron wouldn't be allowed into the military, or if he were, there would be restrictions, especially with regard to travel and assignments outside the United States.
Just how, exactly, do TPTB define a male?

Doesn't look like there's any exclusions for illegal aliens, migrants, refugees, etc.

And just how are they planning on using conscripts, whose mental, emotional, cognitive, and physical capabilities are far less than what is needed to serve in any capacity at all?

I don't like the idea of auto-register/auto-draft, especially since Conscientious Objector status would have to happen during a draft, when speed and number of inputs are paramount, instead of during/after registration when things can be properly verified or disproved. Ditto medical, psychological, legal, etc. suitability for military service. Draftee physicals and checks were always notoriously rubber-stamp :tap:

:pray: :pray: :amen: :amen: :thankyou: :thankyou:
great points all!
Democrat Representative Chrissy Houlahan is pushing a proposal that automatically registers men for the draft when they turn 18.

Rep. Chrissy Houlahan is a Democrat representing Pennsylvania’s 6th Congressional District.
Houlahan is a former Air Force officer.

Joe Biden and Democrats are itching for a war with nuclear Russia.


Praying that we don’t see war before the Rapture. They will want the ability to grab as many young men as possible in place first though. This lines up with Biden’s administration seemingly pushing for war.

It also lines up with Russia, Iran and China’s fears of waiting too long and potentially facing a Trump presidency. Both sides want war for different purposes.

I’m going to speculate here:

Several possible fronts. NATO ( meaning Europe wants Americans - Brits, Canadians too- to fight for them again) against Russia - western front which spares European resources all nice and handy for after Russia, Iran and Turkey lose Ezekiel 38. Sets up the Rise of the Roman Empire again in time for the Tribulation

then Iran vs Israel - Middle Eastern front - maybe breaks out when Iran sees America focusing on Russia and China and

China and North Korea vs Taiwan, Japan, South Korea, Australia, New Zealand and the Philippines. Eastern Front- also likely to involve North America.

What is interesting is how this will potentially weaken the 5 Eyes- Britain, America, Canada as well as Australia & New Zealand.

I’ve long suspected that this is Tarshish & her cubs or young lions. Ezekiel 38 has Russia stronger than them in the Ezekiel 38 Gog Magog invasion and maybe this is how it works- or not.

I’d venture a guess though that Russia comes out more powerful as Ezekiel 38 indicates,

Europe unites itself ready to take power as the new Roman Empire revived for the Tribulation for when Russia loses the Gog Magog invasion,

while Tarshish and her cubs weaken as they expend resources protecting Europe, Taiwan and maybe Israel but I doubt it. If the anti semitism from Trudeau and Biden are any indicator they are on there own with only God to turn to.

I think Iran, Syria, Lebanon and Israel’s enemies lose - and I don’t think Israel has any help but God Himself—while Israel gains peace and prosperity.

Sets up the conditions for Ezekiel 38, possibly fulfilling psalm 83 and or Isaiah 17, Jeremiah 49, Ezekiel 32:17-32 before Ezekiel 38.

China - loses strength even if she gains territory, and retreats in order to possibly fulfill the kings of the East prophecy later on in Revelation. They don’t seem to appear otherwise.

But I’m just speculating here. Likely many more twists and turns- eg- like who saw Covid in prophecy but look back and it fits some of the stage setting.