Kirk Cameron and his book publisher report 'sabotage' against pro-faith parent groups ahead of library event
From FoxNews:Actor and writer Kirk Cameron — who's been sharing his faith-filled and pro-family messages at public libraries across the nation since early this year — recently announced a "See You at the Library" book event for Aug. 5, 2023, together with Brave Books, publisher of his children's books.
The goal of the Aug. 5 event, the writer and publisher said, is to encourage faith-focused and family-focused Americans around the country to come out to their local libraries — and hold book readings or story time events for friends, families and neighbors.
Now, though, Cameron and Brave Books are reporting some strong headwinds.
"We have obtained reports of the government-funded American Library Association circulating guidance to sabotage conservative (and Christian) parent groups from gathering in libraries on Aug. 5, 2023," Cameron and Brave Books told Fox News Digital in exclusive comments.
They said they created the Aug. 5 event to "give conservative Christian parents an opportunity to assemble at publicly funded libraries around the country," partly to counteract the many "drag queen" story hours that have been held in libraries from coast to coast.

Kirk Cameron and his book publisher report 'sabotage' against pro-faith parent groups ahead of library event
Kirk Cameron and Brave Books are organizing a "See You at the Library" event for Aug. 5, 2023, for readers to share faith and family messaging, but they say their efforts are being impeded.