Just waiting for the Rapture at this point!
Kill Two Birds With One Stone
The phrase: 'kill two birds with one stone' simply means solving two tasks at the same time or with one single action.
An example of this is training your child how to drive a car. Most of us just have our child drive around in random locations helping them learn how to drive. We usually don’t consider the fact that we are kind of wasting gas. A better or we could say more perfect solution would be to have your child drive to a place you need to go, like the grocery store. This would accomplish both training your child how to drive and getting your groceries, like the two birds with one stone point.
There is a question that many unbelievers have, which is will only those in the Christian religion be saved? Most of us that are part of the Christian religion will reply with yes. We will say you must be part of the Christian religion to be saved, but is that really true? You may reply that the Bible states that you must believe in and accept Jesus as your savior to be saved. That is what I would have answered also but does accepting Jesus make you part of the man-made Christian religion?
My point here is that “religion” is not what saves us, it is the belief and acceptance of what Jesus did for us. Before the Bible was put together there was no man-made Christian religion so to speak, just people who believed in and followed Jesus Christ. So can a Jew, Muslim or a person in any other religion be saved? Yes, if they believe in and accept what Jesus did for us. However, they do not have to follow or belong to the man-made Christian religion.
Now the Bible does tell us Christians that we should spread the Gospel and make disciples of people. It also seems to say that the only way that people will be saved is if we Christians spread the Gospel, as they need to hear the Gospel to be saved as per the Bible verses below.
Romans 10:13 For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.
Romans 10:14 How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher?
So is Romans 10:14 describing that the only way someone can be saved is by a Christian preaching the Gospel to them? While it may imply that, it is not stating that. That is not the only way someone can be saved. How do I know? Because Paul was saved directly by Jesus, not by a Christian preaching the Gospel to him. Also, I have heard missionaries say how people in other religions have been saved by dreams they have had.
So what I am saying is that while Christians preaching the Gospel is the primary way people get saved, it is not the only way. This would allow me to make the statement that you don’t need to be a Christian or even hear the Gospel from a Christian to be saved. So if this is true that means there are more people saved than what we Christians believe or know of.
Now you may be asking why does the Bible say what it does in Romans 10:14? This is because Paul is telling Christians that the only way that we Christians can get someone saved is by preaching to them. However, God is not limited, restricted or subject to the Bible. Remember God is all powerful and can do anything and Paul is an example of that.
Your next question may be then why doesn’t God just be the one who shares the Gospel with everyone. Why does he direct us to do it as the primary method? That question brings me to the title of this document. We know that God is perfect correct? As he is perfect, what he does is also perfect correct? So God would want the salvation process to be as efficient or perfect as possible correct? So what is the most efficient and perfect way for salvation to happen, if God does it himself or it we Christians do it?
The answer is if we Christians do it in obedience as God has instructed. You see God sharing the Gospel directly like he did with Paul is wonderful but only has one purpose. When Christians share the Gospel it has two purposes. People get saved and we are rewarded. You know like the two birds with one stone point. God loves to do that. I have noticed that when God has given me Divine Appointments it always works out to both bless me and the other person.
God doing things this way is the most efficient and thus most perfect way. So I believe that most people get saved by Christians sharing the Gospel but not all. Actually some people like Paul would only get saved by God directly. Paul was persecuting the Christians, so he already knew what those Christians believed but did not believe it himself.
So if you understand and believe what I have stated in this document, then this is a good answer to someone who asks how someone gets saved in a place isolated from any and all Christians. Or someone that is forcefully restrained from hearing the Gospel. In cases like that, God will do it directly!
The phrase: 'kill two birds with one stone' simply means solving two tasks at the same time or with one single action.
An example of this is training your child how to drive a car. Most of us just have our child drive around in random locations helping them learn how to drive. We usually don’t consider the fact that we are kind of wasting gas. A better or we could say more perfect solution would be to have your child drive to a place you need to go, like the grocery store. This would accomplish both training your child how to drive and getting your groceries, like the two birds with one stone point.
There is a question that many unbelievers have, which is will only those in the Christian religion be saved? Most of us that are part of the Christian religion will reply with yes. We will say you must be part of the Christian religion to be saved, but is that really true? You may reply that the Bible states that you must believe in and accept Jesus as your savior to be saved. That is what I would have answered also but does accepting Jesus make you part of the man-made Christian religion?
My point here is that “religion” is not what saves us, it is the belief and acceptance of what Jesus did for us. Before the Bible was put together there was no man-made Christian religion so to speak, just people who believed in and followed Jesus Christ. So can a Jew, Muslim or a person in any other religion be saved? Yes, if they believe in and accept what Jesus did for us. However, they do not have to follow or belong to the man-made Christian religion.
Now the Bible does tell us Christians that we should spread the Gospel and make disciples of people. It also seems to say that the only way that people will be saved is if we Christians spread the Gospel, as they need to hear the Gospel to be saved as per the Bible verses below.
Romans 10:13 For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.
Romans 10:14 How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher?
So is Romans 10:14 describing that the only way someone can be saved is by a Christian preaching the Gospel to them? While it may imply that, it is not stating that. That is not the only way someone can be saved. How do I know? Because Paul was saved directly by Jesus, not by a Christian preaching the Gospel to him. Also, I have heard missionaries say how people in other religions have been saved by dreams they have had.
So what I am saying is that while Christians preaching the Gospel is the primary way people get saved, it is not the only way. This would allow me to make the statement that you don’t need to be a Christian or even hear the Gospel from a Christian to be saved. So if this is true that means there are more people saved than what we Christians believe or know of.
Now you may be asking why does the Bible say what it does in Romans 10:14? This is because Paul is telling Christians that the only way that we Christians can get someone saved is by preaching to them. However, God is not limited, restricted or subject to the Bible. Remember God is all powerful and can do anything and Paul is an example of that.
Your next question may be then why doesn’t God just be the one who shares the Gospel with everyone. Why does he direct us to do it as the primary method? That question brings me to the title of this document. We know that God is perfect correct? As he is perfect, what he does is also perfect correct? So God would want the salvation process to be as efficient or perfect as possible correct? So what is the most efficient and perfect way for salvation to happen, if God does it himself or it we Christians do it?
The answer is if we Christians do it in obedience as God has instructed. You see God sharing the Gospel directly like he did with Paul is wonderful but only has one purpose. When Christians share the Gospel it has two purposes. People get saved and we are rewarded. You know like the two birds with one stone point. God loves to do that. I have noticed that when God has given me Divine Appointments it always works out to both bless me and the other person.
God doing things this way is the most efficient and thus most perfect way. So I believe that most people get saved by Christians sharing the Gospel but not all. Actually some people like Paul would only get saved by God directly. Paul was persecuting the Christians, so he already knew what those Christians believed but did not believe it himself.
So if you understand and believe what I have stated in this document, then this is a good answer to someone who asks how someone gets saved in a place isolated from any and all Christians. Or someone that is forcefully restrained from hearing the Gospel. In cases like that, God will do it directly!