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Kentucky High School Student DENIED Diploma After Honoring Jesus During “Off-Script” Graduation Speech

A high school in Kentucky withheld a Christian graduate’s diploma when he reportedly went off script during his graduation speech to praise Jesus and encourage others to seek Him.

As the New York Post reported Thursday, Micah Price gave a commencement speech at Campbell County High School in Alexandria, Ky., on May 24.
He reportedly was permitted to praise Jesus Christ by school officials but ended up ticking them off after asking other Christians to find God....

...“Class, before another word leaves my mouth, I must give the honor, the praise, and the glory to my lord and savior Jesus Christ,” Price began.

The crowd interrupted him with rousing applause before he continued spreading his religious message.


I still do not understand how a school system can deny/withhold a diploma if all diploma earning activities and grades were already met. Do they really have any power and is the diploma truly unable to be obtained for use to prove college, trade school or other eligibility? I find this to be an abuse but I could be wrong.
I still do not understand how a school system can deny/withhold a diploma if all diploma earning activities and grades were already met. Do they really have any power and is the diploma truly unable to be obtained for use to prove college, trade school or other eligibility? I find this to be an abuse but I could be wrong.
I’m wondering the same thing. There is no way this would not end badly for them in a lawsuit.
I still do not understand how a school system can deny/withhold a diploma if all diploma earning activities and grades were already met. Do they really have any power and is the diploma truly unable to be obtained for use to prove college, trade school or other eligibility? I find this to be an abuse but I could be wrong.
We're in a time when everything has become backwards and only those with Truth in them can see that. We have Jesus Who is Truth in us and we can see that this is a crooked generation of right is wrong and wrong is right. But Jesus is Lord.

Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil;
Who put darkness for light, and light for darkness;
Who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter
Isaiah 5:20r!
This sounds like a constitutional lawyers dream lawsuit, I'm sure many Lawyers have contacted him already. Lawlessness is definitely here. I hope he is awarded well financially for all the stress and drama. These types of people need to be stopped, they do not have the type of power they think they have.