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Kelowna fire


A massive fire happening there. Homes and businesses have been lost. My sister and husband live in Kelowna. Some amazing pics coming from their balcony. They are in downtown Kelowna which is not under an evacuation alert at this moment.
I pray that those who are facing potential and real disasters around the world are allowing consideration of God into their minds. May fear drive them to look for supernatural help. Always throughout history, God has used such fearsome events to cause people to turn to Him. How much more in these last days. What opportunities now exist for us to proclaim the Gospel to hearts that are more likely to be open to consideration of God.

Sadly, of course, there are those who will harden their hearts against God even more. After all, God tells us that even in the midst of the torments of the Great Tribulation to come, men "blasphemed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores, and repented not of their deeds." (Revelation 16:8-9) And when the torments were worsened, Scripture says they still "blasphemed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores, and repented not of their deeds." (Revelation 16:10-11) So many hearts will minded be hardened more in these trials. But many will also look for help and be opened more.

So, brother's and sisters, let'suser every opportunity to share the gospel. Just ask God for wisdom (for He gives it freely and plentifully to all who ask) and then speak or write the words people need to hear. And ignore those who lash out at you; instead pray for them and continue to speak out in love.