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Kamala Picks Terror Supporter as “Liaison” to American Jews

Almost Heaven

August 16, 2024 by Daniel Greenfield

A member of the Kerry team under Obama, whose biased attacks on Israel and support for Iran and Islamic terrorists in Israel helped lead to the current regional crisis, Goldenberg had spent the years leading up to Oct 7 doing everything possible to make the Hamas attack happen.

And the time afterward serving as a Kamala adviser and imposing sanctions on Israelis.

Ilan Goldenberg had previously advocated for a deal in which “Hamas would retain some of its military capabilities” and argued that “half the root causes are Israeli actions, in terms of — especially just focusing on Gaza, on the blockade. And the other half is Hamas’ choice to use violence and arm itself in response.” He had urged that more money should go into the Hamas territory and argued that Israel should in allow workers from Gaza. “You used to have 25,000, 100,000 Gazans working inside Israel. That needs to happen again.” That led to Oct 7.

Kamala’s new Jewish ‘liasion’ opposed every single pro-Israel move by both Republicans and Democrats, whether it was moving the embassy to Jerusalem, recognizing the Golan Heights or even cutting off aid to the ‘pay-to’slay’ program of the Palestinian Authority. Instead, he urged anti-Israel moves including a unilateral recognition of a ‘Palestinian’ state on Israel’s territory.

Read More...https://www.frontpagemag.com/kamala-picks-terror-supporter-as-liaison-to-american-jews/
With everything happening in the world, I can only come to the conclusion that Satan and his minions gain traction, and the hedge of protection by the Restrainer is being lited.

The glorious day is very close, when we will be lifted up too!