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Joe Biden is Invoking Wartime Powers to Push the Left’s ‘Green’ Agenda


Joe Biden is using the Defense Production Act (DPA), a law from the Cold War era, to push the ‘green’ agenda that has come to define much of the modern left.

This is a classic example of most of the media looking the other way because they agree with the green agenda. Imagine what they would say if Trump was using this law to advance a pet project for conservatives. The media would go crazy.

It’s also just another step in the Democrat war on fossil fuels.


It’s also just another step in the Democrat war on fossil fuels.

The crazy thing is, that there are no fossil fuels. They were only called that way, to keep the prices up.
As any other market of supply and demand, a commodity that is rare, and could in some grey future run out, rates high.

But these days it is dicovered that fuel replenishes, and are not that rare at all!
Of course big-corporate fuel companies don't want us to know that. So the media, doesn't inform us about it.
They want the masses dumb and poor!

Earth is actually an oil-producing machine. We call energy sources such as crude oil and natural gas fossil fuels based on the assumption that they are the products of decaying organisms, maybe even dinosaurs themselves. But the label is a misnomer. Research from the last decade found that hydrocarbons are synthesized abiotically.

Further read: