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Joe Biden Demands Billions to Fly, Bus More Migrants into U.S. Communities

Tall Timbers

Imperfect but forgiven
Staff member
President Joe Biden’s deputies are asking Congress for $14 billion extra to help bus illegal migrants up to the U.S. border and onward into hotels in many cities and towns around the nation.

The request is being touted as “border security” even though very few funds would be used to exclude economic migrants. For example, Biden’s deputies have ushered more than 300,000 economic migrants through the U.S. border in September alone. The 2023 inflow has added up to roughly 2.5 million, not counting legal migrants and temporary workers.

Instead, much of the requested money would be used to help more job-seeking migrants reach the U.S. border, register and release them, and then bus them to hotels, job training, and American workplaces around the United States.

The Executive Branch can't spend money if Congress doesn't make it available. We have a Republican majority in the House right now. Think about that when you're laying blame for the illegal invasion across our southern border that will permanently change the USA, and not in a good way. What I'm saying is the Republicrats are just as guilty as the demonrats. All but a handful of our elected officials in D.C. are complicit in making decisions to the detriment of our country.