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Jerusalem Christians say they're under attack – will Israel help?



Christians in Jerusalem are reporting more acts of vandalism and spitting. What are Israeli officials doing about it?​

Brother Alberto Pari has been spat on and taunted as he walks on the streets in Jerusalem.

“Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned,” youngsters have jeered.
When he first arrived in Jerusalem in 2007, he didn’t experience such behavior; but once he attained brotherhood after a year of study, he donned a traditional long black robe, which made him a visible target.

“It becomes clear you’re a religious monk” and as a result, also a target for random acts of violence, said Pari, the general secretary of the Custodian Terra Santa.

“It’s gotten worse in the last year,” he added, as he recounted that just a day earlier an Orthodox-looking Jewish boy spat at him as he ran by.


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