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Israel's war cabinet 'dissolved,' Prime Minister Netanyahu tells ministers

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced the end of the war cabinet in a Sunday meeting with the political-security cabinet, it was reported on Monday.

"The cabinet was in the coalition agreement with [National Unity MK Benny] Gantz at his request. As soon as Gantz left - there is no need for a cabinet anymore," he added.

No new cabinet

According to Netanyahu, there will not be a new cabinet formed of the leaders of the coalition parties, the idea previously put forward by ministers Bezalel Smotrich and Itamar Ben Gvir.

On Sunday, Netanyahu said that "in order to reach the goal of eliminating the capabilities of Hamas, [he] made decisions that were not always acceptable to the military echelon" during the weekly cabinet meeting. "We have a country with an army and not an army with a country."


Gantz hates Netanyahu and vice versa. Gantz wanted to do it Biden's way, he's getting a great deal of support from the US State Dept and the White House to make a bid for leadership.

I have wondered if Gantz was being more than just bankrolled by the US State dept and White House, if he was providing intel and or providing a Biden led point of view in any decisions.

I imagine Netanyahu feels a profound sense of relief however it's tempered by the fact that they have to find a way to form a govt. Perhaps under War Measures, they have some time before another election round or coalition attempt.

This is old news now, pre Covid even, but Gantz had his cell phone hacked not once but twice, by Russians and Iranians on 2 separate occaisions which also makes me question if he's compromised in his decisions from those quarters too.

No matter which way the wind blows, Gantz is for Gantz, not for Israel.