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Israeli Youth Banned From Tournament In Belgium; Police Chief Says, ‘This Is Your War, Not Mine’

By David Bowen for
Harbinger's Daily

I admit I didn’t realize Frisbee was an internationally competitive sport. However, it is, especially in Europe. You can compete in tournaments in several different age brackets. Well, you can compete unless you are from Israel!

This past week, the European Youth Ultimate Championships was played in Ghent, Belgium. This tournament is a yearly competition for players under the age of 17, and this year, it was to feature teams from 11 countries across three divisions.

Israel sent two teams to Belgium, competing in two different brackets. But before the Israeli youth could even take the field, the European Ultimate Federation, the tournament organizer, city officials, and law enforcement from the city of Ghent decided the teams could not participate. The mayor of Ghent released an official statement. Due to the ongoing conflict in Gaza, it was determined that it was unsafe for the citizens of Ghent to have players from Israel participate in the tournament.

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