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Israel Matters To The Past, Present, And Future Of Human History


****Israel, The Center point of Bible prophecy, and our future.....

Israel is in the news today in lots of different ways, and people have lots of opinions. But I want you to know Israel is a special place. Israel is the “Bible land.”

All the important things of human history that God has planned, both from the past, present, and future, are focused largely within what I call “the Golden Triangle.” It’s about five and a half miles long, a mile wide at the most. That’s why Israel is so unique.

In this triangle, and around that triangle as well, God said that there would be a unique people, the Jewish people, and through them, the Messiah would come. This Messiah would be the descendant of Abraham and also of King David. He would be born in Bethlehem, just five miles from Jerusalem.
Jerusalem is incredibly important. This is the only place on earth where God has chosen to make His name known so that you and I might know Him and have a relationship with Him. In the old days, God chose this place. It is here that Jewish people set up the temple and followed God’s instructions, and here that God met/tabernacled with them. Down the valley, there is Bethlehem, where Jesus was born—the incarnation. Within the golden triangle, everything about Jesus is going to unfold.
Jerusalem is incredibly important. This is the only place on earth where God has chosen to make His name known so that you and I might know Him and have a relationship with Him. In the old days, God chose this place. It is here that Jewish people set up the temple and followed God’s instructions, and here that God met/tabernacled with them. Down the valley, there is Bethlehem, where Jesus was born—the incarnation. Within the golden triangle, everything about Jesus is going to unfold.