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Israel-Hamas war creates prospects, problems for Russia as it invades Ukraine and seeks clout in Mideast


Excerpts from article

The invasion of Israel by the Palestinian militant group Hamas has shattered the illusion of stability in the Middle East and triggered a war that could reshape great-power influence in the region and beyond.

How it all shakes out will depend in large part on the length and course of the war, including whether another Iranian-backed militant organization, Hizballah, opens a second front against Israel in the north, expanding the conflict to Lebanon and potentially Syria.

The new war may help the Kremlin by drawing attention away from the carnage it is causing in Ukraine, squeezing U.S. military resources, and bolstering Russia’s anti-Western narratives, analysts say — but a widening of the Israel-Hamas conflict could strain Moscow’s carefully cultivated Middle East ties and jeopardize its clout in the region.


Appears the groundwork for Ezekiel 38 is taking form.
Every Prophecy teacher I've heard comment on Ezekiel 38 believe that Ezekiel 38 war will not happen until After the Rapture

To me the more Russia cuddles with Iran especially with this apparent Prophetic conflict between Israel and Arabs, (possibly Psalm 83 and ultimately Isaiah 17)....means every believer needs to stay alert because that Trumpet may sound sooner than we realize. 🥰

And do this, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep; for now our salvation is nearer than when we first believed.
Romans 13:11

On your marks get ready, get set.....
Up We Go!!