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Israel advocates must publicize judge Donoghue's clarification of ICJ ruling

The US’s well-respected National Public Radio (NPR) network published the following words on January 26, 2024: “The International Court of Justice (ICJ) has found it is ‘plausible’ that Israel has committed acts that violate the Genocide Convention.” As the world’s press and online media reported the ICJ’s decisions in the case brought before it by South Africa, which had charged Israel with committing genocide in Gaza, this same form of words appeared time and again.

What is not generally known, however, is that the judge who presided over the court and who actually delivered the court’s decision maintains that world media was wrong then, and has been repeating the incorrect interpretation of the court’s decision ever since.

This is not at all what the court decided, Judge Joan Donoghue says.....

....“It then looked at the facts as well,” continued Donoghue, “but it did not decide – and this is something where I’m correcting what’s often said in the media – it did not decide that the claim of genocide was plausible... The shorthand that often appears, that there is a plausible case of genocide is not what the court decided.”
Complete article:
The ICJ has no jurisdiction over hamas or Israel, though they seem to think they have jurisdiction over all states. I'd call that One World Govmint creep.
I caught a bit of news on this, but I can't recall where.

Anyhow, the US is not a member, but the UK is. Now that they've condemned several high ranking Israeli officials (inc. Bibi and Gantz) should these Israelis fly to the UK they'd be arrested. It sounds like the ICJ makes decisions for all member states.