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Islam’s Centuries-Old War Against Christianity: France on the Brink of Collapse

Islam’s war against Christianity is not a new phenomenon. It is a war that has spanned 14 centuries—a relentless campaign driven by religious conquest with the end goal of subjugating Christians and all non-Muslims under sharia (Islamic law). The world, mainly Europe—and France in particular—has yet to truly grasp the magnitude of this war despite its own history of defending itself against Islam, as exemplified by Charles Martel. For centuries, Muslims have employed force, deceit, and cunning strategies to impose their will. The West, blinded by political correctness and moral relativism, refuses to see this war for what it is: an existential threat to the very fabric of its civilization.

While much of the world is consumed with modern conflicts, Islam’s strategy of conquest has evolved. In Muslim-majority countries, Christians continue to endure systematic persecution. Across Africa, the Middle East, and parts of Asia, Christians face unimaginable violence. In Europe, Muslims have transitioned from failed military conquests to a new form of jihad—one of demographic and cultural warfare. Under the guise of taqiyya—the Islamic practice of deceit—Muslim leaders and their followers embed themselves in Western societies, all while maintaining their goal of enforcing sharia.

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More from the article:
"Meanwhile, in France, the advancement of an Islamic state accelerates each day. As millions of Muslims pour into the country, a dangerous trend has emerged. While some Muslim migrants flee Islamic regimes in search of a better life, a significant portion comes to recreate the very conditions they supposedly fled. Rather than embracing French values of liberty, equality, and secularism, these migrants cling to their Islamic identity, refusing to integrate. They demand sharia, enforce Islamic customs in their neighborhoods, and create breeding grounds for jihad.

What’s most alarming is the silence of so-called “moderate Muslims.” Faced with the rise of Islamism in their communities, they remain passive—either out of fear or tacit approval. France is fast approaching a tipping point. In a few short decades, the country that once prided itself on its legal and codified secularism (Laïcité) and human rights will find itself under Islamic rule, with sharia imposed on a population that once fought for freedom.

The writing is on the wall, but France refuses to act. Paralyzed by its own political correctness, the French government fails to recognize the growing threat of Islamic radicalism within its borders. The Islamic conquest of France is not happening with swords and guns; it is happening in the classrooms, in the streets, and the mosques."