By Jonathan Brenter
The claim that Jesus is already reigning over the nations is extremely popular in churches today. Its pastors preach that Jesus is fulfilling the words of Psalms such as 2, 46, 96, and 110 at this moment.
In light of the prevalence of such beliefs, we must ask several questions. Does what we see in our world reflect the character of what we would expect from Jesus’ reign upon the earth? Is our current experience of a kingdom the one to which the New Testament says we are heirs? Does Scripture support the widespread belief that Jesus has already received the nations as His inheritance from the Father as Psalm 2:8 says will happen?
Please don’t dismiss this as a theological discussion with no significance for you. The nature of Jesus’ rule over the nations has profound implications for us. Is our current experience the promised kingdom that the New Testament says we will inherit? Or, does Jesus’ reign over the nations of the earth await a future fulfillment?
I believe we can refute the claim that Jesus now reigns over the nations on the basis of the answer to one critical question:
Does what we see in our world at this moment match what Scripture tells us about the character of the Messiah’s rule?
The claim that Jesus is already reigning over the nations is extremely popular in churches today. Its pastors preach that Jesus is fulfilling the words of Psalms such as 2, 46, 96, and 110 at this moment.
In light of the prevalence of such beliefs, we must ask several questions. Does what we see in our world reflect the character of what we would expect from Jesus’ reign upon the earth? Is our current experience of a kingdom the one to which the New Testament says we are heirs? Does Scripture support the widespread belief that Jesus has already received the nations as His inheritance from the Father as Psalm 2:8 says will happen?
Please don’t dismiss this as a theological discussion with no significance for you. The nature of Jesus’ rule over the nations has profound implications for us. Is our current experience the promised kingdom that the New Testament says we will inherit? Or, does Jesus’ reign over the nations of the earth await a future fulfillment?
I believe we can refute the claim that Jesus now reigns over the nations on the basis of the answer to one critical question:
Does what we see in our world at this moment match what Scripture tells us about the character of the Messiah’s rule?

The Claim that Jesus Now Reigns Over the Nations Dishonors Our Savior — Jonathan Brentner
The claim that Jesus is already reigning over the nations is extremely popular in churches today. However, is this the rule of Jesus over the nations of the earth? Is our current experience the kingdom to which the New Testament says we are heirs? What is this kingdom to which the Bible says we are