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Is There Anything Too Hard for God?




Every Christian at one point or another in their walk with Christ will encounter the suspicions of a non-believer. They will hear the questions of the doubtful who wonder whether the God we worship is as powerful as we claim He is, as His Word says He is. Ever examine the followers of religions? Ever listen to the conviction with which they defend their religion? We are meant to have the same conviction accompanied by love proving nothing is too hard for an omnipotent God.

Those asking you how they can be sure your God is all-powerful will first want to know you believe it and exemplify it. How can you have faith in the truth that is His power?

Ask yourself: Is there anything too hard for God? How can you be sure there isn’t?

God's Fourfold Power

How do we know God is powerful? If we were appearing before a jury to convince them of the power of God, what evidence would we bring? The demonstrations of God’s power are as infinite as His power itself, but since we don’t have an infinite number of pages in this book, I’ll only mention four.

Read Complete Article for the encouraging point of this Bible study:
