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Is the downfall of Catholicism prophesied in the Bible?


Charter member
I hate Catholicism, but love Catholics, can you imagine how much God hates it. Satan has blinded the eyes of countless people from all over the world. The Catholic clergy forbids the reading of the Bible, even there Bible. Only priest can interpret scripture, they can easily ensnare and enslave the so-called laity if they don’t know the Bible. They might read, Matthew 23:9,…call no man your father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven. Then they might question calling priests father. Or, even worse they might read, Galatians 3:20, For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus; The people might stop calling on them.

My mother had a woman to visit with her little girl. the child reached out to touch a Bible that was on the coffee table, you’d thought it was a rattlesnake, DON’T TOUCH THAT! The mother said sternly. How any times did Paul say, God will not have you ignorant, but the RCC would!

The Catholic clergy forbids the reading of the Bible, even there Bible.

catholics are free to read the Bible.

Only priest can interpret scripture, they can easily ensnare and enslave the so-called laity if they don’t know the Bible.

There aren't many who try. It seems the church's books hold more value to most.

Is the downfall of Catholicism prophesied in the Bible?​

The Bible indicates there will be a global religion, so either the catholic church will go away or coalesce into the end times universal church. Religion often seems to be a practice set up by man to worship a diety, an attempt, perhaps to fill that empty space where the Holy Spirit should reside in man, but religion most often doesn't see that space filled. There is so much pomp and circumstance in the catholic church, and even moreso in the orthodox churches. It may impress many, but doesn't lead to God.
catholics are free to read the Bible.

There aren't many who try. It seems the church's books hold more value to most.

The Bible indicates there will be a global religion, so either the catholic church will go away or coalesce into the end times universal church. Religion often seems to be a practice set up by man to worship a diety, an attempt, perhaps to fill that empty space where the Holy Spirit should reside in man, but religion most often doesn't see that space filled. There is so much pomp and circumstance in the catholic church, and even moreso in the orthodox churches. It may impress many, but doesn't lead to God.

Exactly! That’s the global religion that will be part of the world government. The pope, whether he ges it or not, is leading the way to implement this one world religion, as seen in his acceptance of homosexuals, who now are, according to him, able to be priests, and are able to marry.

I’ve never understood why they need a “go between,” a priest, to intercede for them. Jesus is the Great Intercessor!
Exactly! That’s the global religion that will be part of the world government. The pope, whether he ges it or not, is leading the way to implement this one world religion, as seen in his acceptance of homosexuals, who now are, according to him, able to be priests, and are able to marry.

I’ve never understood why they need a “go between,” a priest, to intercede for them. Jesus is the Great Intercessor!
Exactly, there is only one mediator between God and man=Jesus.
This Pope is a huge fan of Chrislam, the house of 3 religions and COEXIST.

The RCC itself is an off-shoot of the ancient Babel one world religion.
Going to search my study on this topic in my library and post it, if anyone is interested.
Bit of a trail here. Catholics and Eastern Orthodox don't like how Protestants do the Bible. Now, in one part I do agree with them: I'm almost always not a huge proponent of trying to eisegesis a verse and building an entire idea or doctrine around it. I think that contributes to an unfathomable amount of confusion. But they lean heavily if not entirely on church history, apostolic succession and authority, and totally reject Sola Scriptura, as they lean on their old lords for said authority.

And they'll often ask Protestants something along the lines of: "Hey, you said you are interpreting this in the Spirit and that person over there says they are interpreting that in the Spirit, you both believe in the Gospel, you both are coming to vastly different conclusions, the Spirit isn't leading you to two separate contradictory truths, so who's right?"

They are now accusing Protestant churches of becoming atheist factories, because they turn out the likes of Benny Hinn, Copeland, Osteen, and other churches that are populated with female pastors and feminist ideology by the boatloads. They assert that people are exodus-ing out of Protestantism in favor of the "stronger" and more "formidable" Eastern Orthodox/Catholic church that can stand strong and answer the culture that has prevailed upon us. Where Protestants, instead, have rolled over and squirmed, as they remain in a perpetual state of confusion trying to agree on any one doctrine, while the culture runs roughshod over everything. This is gaining serious traction online, especially in the social square we know as "X". Their argument is that we have this weak culture, and the Protestant Church has no answer for any of it because their leaders, when you peel the skin back, they line up with many leftists in the culture.

A couple of mentions that have gained serious traction in this are Andrew Wilson (not for the faint of heart) and Jay Dyer. I've watched Andrew go from a small channel to 30 or 40 thousand new subscribers in just a few months.
Bit of a trail here. Catholics and Eastern Orthodox don't like how Protestants do the Bible. Now, in one part I do agree with them: I'm almost always not a huge proponent of trying to eisegesis a verse and building an entire idea or doctrine around it. I think that contributes to an unfathomable amount of confusion. But they lean heavily if not entirely on church history, apostolic succession and authority, and totally reject Sola Scriptura, as they lean on their old lords for said authority.

And they'll often ask Protestants something along the lines of: "Hey, you said you are interpreting this in the Spirit and that person over there says they are interpreting that in the Spirit, you both believe in the Gospel, you both are coming to vastly different conclusions, the Spirit isn't leading you to two separate contradictory truths, so who's right?"

They are now accusing Protestant churches of becoming atheist factories, because they turn out the likes of Benny Hinn, Copeland, Osteen, and other churches that are populated with female pastors and feminist ideology by the boatloads. They assert that people are exodus-ing out of Protestantism in favor of the "stronger" and more "formidable" Eastern Orthodox/Catholic church that can stand strong and answer the culture that has prevailed upon us. Where Protestants, instead, have rolled over and squirmed, as they remain in a perpetual state of confusion trying to agree on any one doctrine, while the culture runs roughshod over everything. This is gaining serious traction online, especially in the social square we know as "X". Their argument is that we have this weak culture, and the Protestant Church has no answer for any of it because their leaders, when you peel the skin back, they line up with many leftists in the culture.

A couple of mentions that have gained serious traction in this are Andrew Wilson (not for the faint of heart) and Jay Dyer. I've watched Andrew go from a small channel to 30 or 40 thousand new subscribers in just a few months.
I can see this. The problem with the Western Church is the decline of proper doctrine. In the early 20th century there was a split in the Western Church from Protestants and Baptists into Modernists and Fundamentalists (gotten worse since this). In essence, Modernists thought you could still be Christian yet not believe in the Fundamentals of the faith such as the inspiration of the scripture, virgin birth, Deity of Christ, blood atonement of Christ, and 2nd coming of Christ (MLK did not even believe in the virgin birth, so what did he believe about the Spirit inspired scripture or the Deity of Christ??). This greatly weakened the Church. Here we are nearly a century later and the Church is almost unrecognizable. We even have once solid pastors taking stands against the scripture like Alistair Begg telling Christians to attend LGBT weddings and buy a gift in order to not seem too judgemental. No lie, he brings up fundamentalism and compares those critical of his comments to the pharisees. :doh:

Popery has always stood off on it's own likely fueling the division and helping subvert the Protestant Church and the authority of scripture. Groups like the Jesuits have been instrumental in doing this (they are behind many modern English Bible translations). And yet, the Catholic Church will continue to grow to fit their father's purpose and fulfill what is prophesied during the tribulation.
The problem with the Western Church is the decline of proper doctrine.
Which is the result of rejecting the absolute inerrancy of the Bible. So many pay lip-service to it, as long as what it says seems comfortable or logical to them. But when it conflicts with their own ideas? It's gone. If people truly believed that God breathed out every word of the Bible, they would not be so cavalier with it. It truly contains the words of life as surely as did Jesus when he walked this earth, the Living Word. Those who mess with it for their own personal or doctrinal purposes will reap the wrath of God.
They are now accusing Protestant churches of becoming atheist factories, because they turn out the likes of Benny Hinn, Copeland, Osteen, and other churches that are populated with female pastors and feminist ideology by the boatloads. They assert that people are exodus-ing out of Protestantism in favor of the "stronger" and more "formidable" Eastern Orthodox/Catholic church that can stand strong and answer the culture that has prevailed upon us.
Hello Eric! My perception of the Catholic Church is that they give the impression of being like a Chameleon, changing 'colour' i.e their message depending on the audience.

One example that you posted, Kenneth Copeland. There was a stir in Evangelical circles a few years back when K Copeland had a Catholic Priest and papal legate at one of his meetings where they declared the Reformation over, then Pope Francis gave a video message of support to Kenneth Copeland which was broadcast on screen at the meeting. At the same time the Pope was on screen saying how great K Copeland and his ministry was other Catholic sources were saying what a nut Kenneth Copeland was, to a different audience of course.

I have heard Catholics vehemently state that the RCC is the only church founded by Jesus and you must be part of it to be saved, while at the same time to a different audience the Pope says Athiests and Bhuddists are in heaven.

There's an old Scots word called 'sleekit' which I think sums it up- something like sneaky. The Catholic youtuber or proselytizer saying one thing and another Catholic souce saying the very opposite, talking out of opposite sides of their mouth, saying what people want to hear. They can say they don't pray to Mary then pray to Mary in the same video and not see the irony.

Jesus said of the last days 'Take care that no man deceive you' (Matthew 24:4). Deception is the thing to watch out for.

In a way the deceptions of the mainline protestant church are easier to spot, they're clearly way off beam. The RCC is more sneaky, more subtle, but no less off beam.

God Bless You :)
Hello Eric! My perception of the Catholic Church is that they give the impression of being like a Chameleon, changing 'colour' i.e their message depending on the audience.

One example that you posted, Kenneth Copeland. There was a stir in Evangelical circles a few years back when K Copeland had a Catholic Priest and papal legate at one of his meetings where they declared the Reformation over, then Pope Francis gave a video message of support to Kenneth Copeland which was broadcast on screen at the meeting. At the same time the Pope was on screen saying how great K Copeland and his ministry was other Catholic sources were saying what a nut Kenneth Copeland was, to a different audience of course.

I have heard Catholics vehemently state that the RCC is the only church founded by Jesus and you must be part of it to be saved, while at the same time to a different audience the Pope says Athiests and Bhuddists are in heaven.

There's an old Scots word called 'sleekit' which I think sums it up- something like sneaky. The Catholic youtuber or proselytizer saying one thing and another Catholic souce saying the very opposite, talking out of opposite sides of their mouth, saying what people want to hear. They can say they don't pray to Mary then pray to Mary in the same video and not see the irony.

Jesus said of the last days 'Take care that no man deceive you' (Matthew 24:4). Deception is the thing to watch out for.

In a way the deceptions of the mainline protestant church are easier to spot, they're clearly way off beam. The RCC is more sneaky, more subtle, but no less off beam.

God Bless You :)
Thank you for your thoughts and God bless you, too!
They assert that people are exodus-ing out of Protestantism in favor of the "stronger" and more "formidable" Eastern Orthodox/Catholic church that can stand strong and answer the culture that has prevailed upon us.
I've noticed some drifting towards E. Orthodox, Anglican, & RCC too. Years ago I followed Dan Wallace until he considered leaving Protestant leaning views for the Anglican. Here's his fantastic debate that got me to start following him: Can we Trust the New Testament? Daniel B. Wallace and Bart D. Ehrman Debate: Can We Trust the Text of the New Testament?

There is an exodus towards Calvinism too. The RCC and Calvinism are kissing cousins in foundations, but only the RCC maintains a living current Papal authority with the final word on whatever he wants.

Where I see a couple of distinctions that cause many to fall away from sola scriptura are: 1) the church replaces Israel, 2) desire to rule today's crazy culture via religion, and 3) popularity (getting audience with Pope, like Rick Warren et al.). Often these seem like arguments over doctrine. I'd suggest that in reality there is a diverse group of protestants who have only minor interpretation differences because they agree that there's a future for the Israel of God, and they are not focused on today's culture or in getting in good with the Pope.

I guess eschatology is another reason for many leaving.

And I may be way off on all of this :confused: