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Is God’s Plan For Salvation Just


Just waiting for the Rapture at this point!
Is God’s Plan For Salvation Just

Let’s say you know a hurricane is coming to your town.
Let’s say your house is constructed in such a way it can easily withstand the hurricane. Let’s say your house is large enough (I know this part is a stretch) to accommodate everyone in town.
Let’s say you tell EVERY in town WHO WILL LISTEN (this is an important point) that all they need to do is to come to your front door and ring the bell to get in and be saved from the hurricane.
Let’s say it starts raining hard and the winds pick up so that it is apparent that something is coming.

Are you being just to the people of the town by advising them of the hurricane and giving them access to your house by ringing the front door bell?
Why can’t someone come through the back door?
Why can’t someone come through the window?
Why should I have to ring the bell, why don’t you just leave the door open?

While those questions can certainly be asked, no one can accuse you of being unfair or unjust because the only option you gave was to ring the bell at the front door.
Well Jesus is the door and acceptance is the bell ringing (or knocking).
So why is this (God’s plan) unjust?
It’s not, but Satan would try to deceive us to think it is.

Goodboy :)