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Is an increasingly isolated Israel a prophetic sign?


Given the strong support for Israel shown by leaders of the United States and several European countries immediately after the horrific attacks on Israel by Hamas on Oct. 7, one might be forgiven for being surprised at the dramatic loss of support Israel is currently experiencing around the world.

A question for many believers is whether the lack of global support and even widespread antagonism towards Israel at this time is prophetically significant.

With many believers questioning if Israel is currently in a Psalm 83-type war, or possibly even in the lead-up to the fulfillment of the prophecy of Ezekiel 38, it would be helpful to look at some of the recent events in order to understand the “signs of the times.”


I think it is a sign-- that will increase till we go and then skyrocket afterwards. It's possibly why Israel is so keen on accepting the AC because they really do just want to be left in peace in their own land. And he will say all the right things to a people scarred in spirit by the hatred they've endured for millennia.