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Iranian Spies in the White House.


Staff member
I received this email from Christians In Defense of Israel today. I am greatly angered by the information it reveals. To me there is outright treason being perpetrated at the highest levels of this nation's government and defense establishment.


For weeks, the White House has been pointedly avoiding any discussion of the Iranian spy ring operating within the highest levels of the United States government. Now, that discussion has become unavoidable.

The Tehran Times, the official mouthpiece of the Iranian Ayatollah, has published audiotapes of White House Coordinator for the Middle East and North Africa Brett McGurk in a private meeting discussing America’s national security options against Iran.

The Tehran Times has also published “sensitive” U.S. government documents relating to Joe Biden’s Special Envoy to Iran, Robert Malley. In fact, those documents had not even been made available to members of the United States Congress. But the Tehran Times managed to get a copy!

According to members of the Republican Study Committee (RSC), the information published by the Tehran Times indicates that "the Islamic Republic's intelligence apparatus has been able somehow to obtain access to restricted U.S. State Department emails or government servers."

In a recent letter to the Biden administration, the RSC noted that this constitutes a “significant security breach of U.S. government property by a foreign adversary,” and that U.S. government employees have “leaked restricted and sensitive government documents” to Iran.

Earlier this month, just before the horrific Iran-instigated October 7 attacks on Israel, Christians in Defense of Israel reported on leaked Iranian government emails that show at least three Iranian spies had infiltrated the highest levels of the United States government, including the State Department, the Pentagon, and the White House.

At least one of those spies, Ariana Tabatai, continues to hold top secret security clearance and her job as Assistant to Chief of Staff for Assistant Secretary of Defense for Special Operations Christopher Maier despite repeatedly seeking direction and instruction from Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) officials on how to perform her job at the Pentagon.

This is outrageous! Please join me in demanding Congress not only perform a full and exhaustive investigation into the Iranian spy ring, but also IMMEDIATELY revoke the security clearances of each of the alleged spies until a full investigation can be completed